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Tommy dragged his suitcase through the hall, struggling due to its one broken wheel,"Stupid fucking thing!"

"You doin' okay there, T-Bone?!" Vince called from his bedroom. Tommy groaned and poked his head in the blonde's bedroom. His words stopped in his throat when he was met with the sight of his two best friends fucking missionary style.

"HOLY FUCK! WHY DIDN'T YOU LOCK THE DOOR YOU SLUTS?!" Tommy turned away, shielding anything from the waist down with his hand.

Mick just responded with a long moan, clawing at the sheets. Vince giggled,"Admit it, your gay ass finds this hot as fuck~" He starts thrusting harder into his boyfriend.

Mick threw his head back,"Ah! Ah! Aaahh!"

"I DON'T NEED TO SEE THIS SHIT!" Tommy slammed their door shut and marched towards Tommy blinked and looked around.

There were only two bedrooms.

"Uhhh...I guess I'll sleep on the couch then...." He started dragging his stuff back towards the living room.

The second door opened and Nikki poked his head out. He stared at the suitcase, then at Tommy, then at the suitcase, then at Tommy. His hair lay unteased, but tousled and fluffed gently.

The drummer gave him an irritated look,"What?!" Nikki clicked his tongue loudly, ducking behind his door a little.

"Wait, no! I...I didn't mean to scare you! D-Did you need something?"Tommy watched, heart melting as Nikki stepped out into the hallway.

Sixx was wearing a long, thick, fluffy green sweater that went to his knees and fluffy black socks. He nodded and tugged at Tommy's hand with both his sweater paws. 

'Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodhe'ssocuteIthinkI'mgonnapassout'Tommy blushed hard as Nikki guided him towards his bedroom. The drummer heart started to beat hard,'Does he want to...? No! There's no way!'

"N-Nikki what are you doing?" Tommy stammers. They freeze, staring into each other's eyes. Then Sixx shook his head an angry snarl on his lips. He then picked Tommy up, abandoning the suitcase.

"Whoa, Sixx!" Tommy found himself clinging to the bassist as Nikki carried him into his bedroom. 

Nikki kicked the covers down and tossed Tommy onto the bed before pulling the blankets over him. Then he crossed his arms, frowning at him. Tommy thought he was blushing, but he couldn't be sure in the darkness.

The drummer tilted his head,"You want me to share your room? Is that what you were trying to say?" 

Nikki nodded a smug smirk on his face. He crawled into bed next to Tommy and pulled the covers up, flipping over so his back was to Lee.

Tommy found himself studying Sixx's sleeping form, gaze raking over the curve of those dirty, gorgeous hips. He looked so soft and warm in that sweater....

He placed a hand on Nikki's arm and the bassist clawed the sheets so hard, they ripped.

Well...they were cheap.

 The viscious look Nikki gave him told him,'Don't. fucking. touch me.'

"S-sorry," Tommy said meekly, scooting away from his roommate. The bassist clicked his tongue indignantly and flopped back down on his pillow.

Tommy flipped over towards the door and closed his eyes. 

Fifteen minutes later, Nikki's soft, deep breathing told Tommy he was asleep. Curious, Tommy flipped over to find that Nikki was now facing him, gently nibbling on his hand in his sleep.

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