He Didn't Deny It

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Tommy stares at Nikki, hand still resting on the back of the silent bassist's head. He can't believe his idol had just sucked him off like a popsicle on a hot summer day. It had been so unexpected, such a rush of adrenaline he can barely keep still. He bites his lip to keep from screaming out his ecstasy.

"Holy fuck, Sixx...I....dude,"soft pants fall from the drummer's mouth as his large cock softens within the warm, soothing confines of Nikki's wet mouth. He can't tear himself away from those big adorable green eyes staring up at him.

A loud thud from outside startles them both. Unfortunately for Tommy, Nikki bites down on his poor cock when he jumps. Tommy punches the wall, "FUCK!" Fiery pain shoots up and down his body as the bassist's razor-sharp teeth sink into the soft flesh of his now flaccid cock. It's pain like Tommy's never known.

Thankfully, Nikki scrambles away from him just as the door opens. Tommy has barely enough time to thrust his painfully throbbing penis back into his pants.

Mick and Vince walk in with enough bags to fill their shitty little living room.

"Vince babe, I told you, you have enough pink glitter. Why did you need four more shopping bags worth?!"


Tommy grins, eyes watering," H-hey dudes..."

Nikki waves, shooting Tommy an apologetic glance,'Hey guys, did you get food. I'm real sick of leftover whatever Vince found at 7-11' 

The blonde scoffs and flails his arms sending glittering flying everywhere, falling like a snowfall of dead fairies,"You fucking love Slurpees! I saw you suckin those things down like dick!"

"Slurpees,"Mick says to himself, giggling quiet childishly. He keeps repeating th3 strange brandname, amusing himself.

Tommy snickers,"I thought I was the manchild Marsman."

Mick squeaks blushing hard,"F-Fuck off! Slurpee is a funny word!"

Nikki flaps his sweater clad arms spraying even more glitter on them.

Mick shrieks as his hair becomes coated,"MY GOTH COLOR SCHEME!"

Nikki sticks his tongue out and shakes out his pomeranian hair spraying more.

Tommy shields his face laughing,"Sixx! Sixx your fluffiness gives you too much power!"

Vince is twirling around happily,"I'M IN HEAVEN!"

"MERCY! MERCY!" Mick shrieks curled in a ball on the glitter coated floor. His once uniform black outfit is now bedazzled enough for him to sparkle under their shitty living room light. He looks like a unicorn birthed him.

Nikki finally stops shaking and smiles smugly flipping his now even fluffier hair, 'I win.'

His still swollen lips are curved so beautifully in that half smirk that had captured Tommy so intensely back when the bassist was in London. It's sharp, full of devilish mischief with a hint of friendly affection. It's nothing short of perfect.

He reaches out and takes Nikki's chin, getting the older man's attention. Sixx blushes hard, piercing green eyes meeting Tommy's brown ones. The latter's thumb tugs at the formers full bottom lip examining it.

Tommy wants it...Nikki's taste...his touch...his scent....everything. But still, there's no way Nikki fucking Sixx the idealization of perfection would go for some band nerd. He is too good for Tommy. Tommy would disappoint him.  Oh, but those lips...

'Do I have something on my face...?' Nikki signs unexpectedly, making Tommy jump. He squeezes Nikki's chin slightly and nods dumbly. Only when Sixx takes a step back does he realize that he's leaning in, lips pursing as they plead to be captured within the bassist's. How fucking cheesy.  What the hell? Now this dark angel is having such an effect on him he can't even control his own body! Wait to be smooth Lee!

Regardless, Nikki does in fact have something on his face. A thin, pearly white string of cum clings to his lower lip, glistening with flecks of Vince's glitter storm aftermath. How the rest of the band hadn't noticed was beyond Tommy. But then, Vince was probably drunk. Mick might be too, but he has a way of hiding it.

Lee awkwardly smooths the pad of his thumb across Nikki's lips, tugging slightly as he cleans his mess off his friend's mouth,"Uh...y-yeah." He mutters, blushing hard,"My jizz..."

The smile he earns kicks a giggle out of him. He'll never get over Nikki's contagious pearly whites.

"What? It's true!"

Nikki shoves him playfully, sticking his tongue out.

"What's true?"Mick is still attempting to decotaminate himself of glitter. His face is tearstained due to the sheer mental trauma the pink shit had inflicted upon him. Vince is smiling complacently as he pets him, getting even more fairy excrement on him. 

Nikki starts to sign, a proud smile on his face,'I su-'

Tommy quickly takes his hands, a panicked smile on his face," I-I was just telling Sixxer how awesome he is at s-songwriting! Y-Yeah dude! Your lyrics are s-so badass!" Nikki raises an eyebrow, looking slightly offended. 

He pouts slowly pulling his hands away as his eyes glitter with hurt. His lips curl in a silent snarl as he signs exasperated,'Why are you so reluctant to admit I sucked you off?!'

Vince gasps like a lunatic fangirl and Mick leaps up coughing and spluttering glitter. The guitarist grabs Tommy by the shoulders and shakes him," HE DID WHAT?!"

The short blonde is squealing hugging Nikki,"I KNEW YOU'D FIND A FUCKIN' BOYFRIEND!"

Nikki tries to shove Vince off blushing hard at the word boyfriend. Though, he looks nothing short of adorable in Tommy's eyes as he flaps his massive sweater paws.

"W-We aren't boyfriends you bimbo!" Lee exclaims heart galloping and palms sweating. He knows his childhood friend is just fucking around but he also doesn't want to mess up with Sixx. Nikki was just so...perfect. Tommy has to put his best image forward. He has to be good enough. More than good enough. He has to impress the bassist.

Mick, bless his heart, comes to Tommy's aid,"Come on, singer. You know Sixx fucks around with guys. What difference does it make if its our drummer so long's it doesn't fuck up the band?"

Mars emphasizes the last part of the question with a steely glare at the two.

Nikki gives Mick a playful slap on the back and a reassuring smile.

Tommy has to wonder why the bassist didn't join him in denying a relationship.

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