I Was Made For Lovin' You

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Two days later Mick and Vince still hadn't made up. It was so...strange to see the two in the same room but refusing to even look at one another. 

Nikki seemed to notice this as he plucked away at a shitty acoustic, papers scattered around him. He sat on the floor, mindlessly flicking the instrument as he studied his bandmates.

Tommy walks out spinning his drumsticks and downing a bottle of jack looking tired as fuck.

Nikki grabs his notebook,'How's your throat?'

Tommy rubs his neck rasping,"Still a bit sore, but I'll just swallow a shit ton of honey or something."

The raven bassist nods. He had expected his new friend to be angry at him for not cutting Vince's rage off at the neck. He bites his lip, chewing anxiously as he places the cheap guitar back in its case.

Tommy settles down next to Nikki,"Can I watch you work?"

Nikki looks hesitant. He relished in the sanctuary his songwriting created for him. The thought of someone changing that made him feel uneasy.

But...what harm could one time do?

Sixx nods, scooting closer as he continues writing.

Tommy had to note his bandmate's supremely unique handwriting: jagged and sharp like the scribbles of a madman, yet still perfectly legible. 

The song taking shape between the lines was masterful, as were many of Nikki's lyrics. Tommy was amazed by the bassist's artistic abilities and his eloquent way with words.

Nikki's head finds it's way to Tommy's shoulder, fluffy raven hair tickling the tips of his nose.

Tommy lets out a little sneeze and Nikki jumps before smiling signing,'You sneeze like a kitten! Cute!'

The drummer blushes after he takes some time to translate in his head. He'd never fucking been called cute by a dude before!

"I-I'm not cute!" Tommy protests, pouting adorably. 

Vince snickers,"T, you're the definition of cute!" 

Mick bites his lip, tears filling his eyes as he continues to pluck away at his unplugged strat. That phrase was something Vince would always say about him and seeing him use it so casually towards Tommy cracked his heart even further. 

Nikki frowns placing his notebook under the TV stand, green eyes shining with empathy for his elder friend.

The guitarist sniffles, wiping his eyes. But, Vince, being the moody fucking ass that he was, paid no attention, brushing his obnoxiously blonde hair with a broken brush.

Nikki sighs and looks to Tommy. 

Tommy sighs back. He knew whole thing was his fault. If he hadn't overreacted and slapped Mick the way he did none of this would be happening. 

Vince stops brushing his hair, an awkward silence filling the air.

The blonde sets the brush down swallowing thickly,"Mick...I-I..."

He presses his lips together tightly. His brown eyes glitter with regret,"I'm so sorry, baby...I-I didn't mean a fuckin' letter of what I said..."

Tommy fiddles with the cuffs of his sweatpants," And I'm sorry I hit you..."

Mick wipes his eyes smearing his makeup,"D-Do you guys really mean it?"

Tommy nods as Nikki hugs Mick.

Mick smiles,"Th-Thanks, Sixx..."

Vince's voice quivers, like he's about to cry," Mick...do you...do you forgive me? I-I...I'm actually so fuckin' sorry. Please, I-I don't know what I'd do without you-"

Mick takes Vince's hands, stopping his rant in its tracks. He smiles softly,"Of course I forgive you, my love. Why would I ever want to leave you?"

The singer sniffles,"God, I love you so much..."

"I love you too, darling," Mick throws his arms around Vince's neck pressing their mouths together in a heated, french kiss.

Nikki claps his hands, eyes sparkling with joy at his friends making up (and out) with each other.

Tommy lights a cigarette from the coffee table,"Well...now that all that's been solved...wanna look through my record collection, Sixxer?"

Nikki gasps and nods eagerly darting off into his and Tommy's room like an excited child. The drummer chuckles as he walks after his friend. 

The effeminate bassist is scrambling on the floor, struggling to drag a heavy box out of the bottom of the closet.

Tommy dives down on the floor,"Whoa! Dude you have KISS?! I fucking love KISS!"

He starts leafing through the records eyes sparkling. Nikki claps his hands, smiling adorably to show his delight.


Also I have never actually listened to KISS but I remember hearing the Terror Twins love it so...

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