Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Hali's POV

"They've breached the perimeter Hali, what do you want us to do?"

I looked around at the hundred or so people I had around me, relaying on me. There were to many people coming for us to even manage to dent in the wolves and vampires heading our way.

"Shift and get in the tree," I yelled and grabbed my bow off the ground climbing the tree and sitting with the shifted cats and wolves while waiting for the others to appear.

I added an arrow and as soon as one of the wolves appeared shot it through the eye. I didn't kill him, I never killed, but it meant he couldn't fight any more.

When I was out of arrows I looked down. We were all well hidden in the tree, the leaves covering us. The wolves and vampires numbers had dropped. We could take them on easily now.

I jumped out the tree and their heads all snapped to mine. I shifted and others jumped out the tree with me. I had managed to untite over 7 packs only being part of this world for a year. I was turning 18 today but had to fight this war instead.

The jaguars jumped at the wolves while my wolves jumped at the vampires. I helped where I could. Being a horse and fighting wasn't exactly the deadliest attack though a good kick from my hooves would knock even the king out.

I watched wide eyed as a huge grey wolf launched itself at me. It jaws latched itself around my neck and I shreiked in pain. My venison went black and I knew I would never get up.

I jolted awake with Cody, Ash, Adler John, Tyler and Chase all looking at me. I must have fallen asleep in the drive back and was lying in the car crying from fear. The dream, it was the war. Did that mean it would come true?

"Hali," Chase said concerned as I wrapped my hands around him and cried like I was three again, "Hey, hey hey," He said rubbing circles on my back.

He picked my up as I clung to his strong form. Everyone else seemed confused but I didn't care. I was in the hands of my warm, strong, handsome  mate and that all that mattered. He carried me into the bedroom and shut the door. He placed me down but I didn't let go.

I needed him. He put me at ease and that is all that I needed after that dream. I needed someone to comfort me. He sat down and I crawled onto his lap just holding him close. He didn't say anything just rubbed circles on my back letting me cry.

I'm not sure when I fell asleep but I remember waking up to loud knocks on the door downstairs. I untined myself from Chase's arms and snuck down the stairs. It was still dark outside that meant it was early. My hair was knotted and my eyes stung but the banging seemed urgent.

I opened the door to see like five packs of people. I recognised most people as Tony's pack but that didn't mean I knew them.

"Luna Hali," The people in croud cheered when I opened the door.


"Our packs are all under attack, we came here as quickly as we could,"

"Which pack? " I asked that statement got me awake quicker than a cold shower.

"The rebellions packs all of them, not sure if they followed us,"

I spotted more people arriving and realised the war was starting now and there was no way around that.

"All children, pregnant woman and people who can't fight get in side," I paused "You," I said pointing to a tall man in front of me, "Go and wake up in the people in the tents an say the same thing."

I span on my heal and ran in the house knocking on ever door and waking everyone up. I ran into my room after waking everyone up and began to get hanged into my black clothes. I picked up a pillow and slapped Chase with it.

A Horse-Shifters Tale (Under Going Minor Editing Of Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now