Chapter Nineteen

762 18 2

Bryok ↑
(Warning a smooch scene, not long)
Hali's POV

Mumbles spread through the pack like a Mexican wave. Chase began to grow angry and I could see his shoulders start to shift back and forth from human to wolf ever so sightly. I shifted quickly and hid behind Chase's sister while I picked up the ripped dress and put it on the best I could. I then stepped in front of my three protectors.

"I know lots of you will be confused and I will answer any questions." I yelled to the crowd a surprising amount of power behind my voice.

The pack bowed slightly in submission scared about the power I didn't know I had. I turned my head towards a old blond vampire yelled,

"Alpha Prescott fought hard to kill out her foal race yet here Chase is letting one of her kind live in our home for the past months, what would your farther think?"

Chase let out a powerful growl before barking out very angry words that made me shiver, "I don't care what my farther would think, he was a vile and sick man who killed a peaceful race who had never harmed us, and if you do not want this amazing mare as your Luna than then leave and never return, you have ten minutes to get off my territory!"

I watched as seven older wolves and six pale vampires left the rest of the pack and walked towards the house to gather their belongings. I smiled slightly as the rest of the pack stayed still, most were younger wolves and close friends of Adler, Ash and Chase, all sharing one thing in common, they believed in me, A horse shifter, an old enemy.

"Do you have any questions?" I asked quieter than the last time I had spoken.

"How?" One of the older wolves who had stayed asked.

"My mother hid me before she was killed, a wild her found me and took me under their hoof, I've lived wild ever since."

"How come your mates, you don't look 18?" A younger vampire asked.

"The moon goddess and Star queen blessed us." Chase answered clutching my hand.

I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss mumbling, "That they did."

Chase pulled away pulled away from the kiss and turned towards the pack,

"We will hold a meeting tomorrow and talk more about this, for now carry on with you day."

"Sooo, how about practice?" I asked with a wink as the pack left us alone, the mate bond had been continuing to grow and it had started to hurt for Chase to be away from me.

"Anything for you little mate!" He said running towards the barn.

I shifted and ran after him. I bumped into him knocking him over. I then ran into the barn and stretched my neck over the stall to look at Bryok. He was stood up nibbling on the hay in the hay net that hung above his head. When he noticed me he hobbled over and nuzzled my nose before going back to eating the fresh hay.

I stepped back as I felt a small saddle pad get placed lightly on my back before a light English saddle was pulled on. I stamped my front hoof nearly on his toes as he tightened the girth to tight for my likely. He loosed it before pushing me sideways to be able to place my bridal on.

He moved the reins over my head and walked me towards the outdoor arena where 8 jumps were set up in a new shape. He mounted me at the gate and rode me at a trot around the jumps a few times to warm me up. When riding around I looked at the small jumps, they looked easy, I could do easy.

They consisted off three water jumps and a mixture of five 1 or 2 metre jumps to make the eight jumps. He turned me towards the first jump at a smooth canter. I could hear him mutter my strides under his breath before moving in the saddle to the position he needed to be in. I jumped over the jump slowly and turned my head towards the next jump. My legs pumped underneath me as we turned towards the next jump -which was taller than the last.

A Horse-Shifters Tale (Under Going Minor Editing Of Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now