Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Hali's POV

Cody's brown eyes looked around locking onto me as he began to struggle against the tube in his throat. The tube allowed him to breath while he was in the coma and now it was just in the way. Bryok looked confused about what happened so curled up under the bed out of the way.

"Doctor," I called still clutching Cody's hand.

The doctor entered the room looked between me and Cody for a few times before I snapped him out of his trance.

"Hey, get the tube out of his throat then go get Chase," I nearly growled, being luna made me scary, "Tell him to stand outside the room until I let him in,"

Cody looked at me with worry and tears began to spill from his eyes. I nodded to the doctor who took a step forward and in one quick movement removed the tube. He placed the tube on a machine before giving me a slight bow. When he left Cody tried to sit up failing miserably.

I got of the bed, pulled him into a sitting position and placed the pillows behind his so he could sit up and talk. He fiddled with the drips still in his arms watching the yellowy liquid drip from the bag and into his arm.

"So, Cody," I said trying to break the awkward silence.

"It's an abandoned pack," He muttered, "Doesn't look very abandoned,"

"That was.. a lie,"

"I can tell, mind explaining?"

"Its easy rely but you need to keep an open mind," I said as he let go of my hand, "When mum died I was taken in by a passing herd, lived with them for 14 years, the yearly roundup happened, I was roped, sold to this pack,"

"Which pack?" He asked interrupting me.

"Blood moon," I muttered.

"I didn't hear you!"

"Blood moon," I said louder sighing.

 "Blood moon as in the pack who kept me in that lab,"

"Yes, now let me finish and then you can ask any questions,"


"I had a dream, turned out the moon goddess and the star queen had a prophecy, I was meant to mate 2 years early to this pack's alpha, Chase my mate, he found out I was a horse shifter, 'broke' me, took me on a date, we told the pack, got attacked by some former members of the pack -but that's not the point- and have been working together for a few months now and are going to free the humans and bring back our race,"

"Alpha Chase, as in Alpha Prescott's son?"


"And how long have you been living here?"

"About half a year,"

"So what year is it? oh and the month?"

"Its 2032 and February the 20th,"

"So that makes me 19 and you 17 tomorrow right?"

"I completely forgot my birthday," I sighed, I hadn't been thinking about it.

"Can I meet your mate?"

"Yeah," I said rather quickly I had completely forgotten that I told the doctor to ask Chase to stand outside the door.

I got off the bed narrowly missing Bryok's hooves as I opened the door. I let Chase in and Bryok got up, trotted over and reared putting his hooves on Chase's shoulders. Bryok was getting tall and soon wouldn't be able to come inside with me.

Chase sat on the chair the other side of the room and Bryok stood by him while I sat next to Cody. I could feel Chase was uneasy about me sitting next to him -as he was another male and could steal me- but screw Chase, I can do what I want also I have been marked so it doesn't really matter.

A Horse-Shifters Tale (Under Going Minor Editing Of Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now