Chapter Three

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Hali's POV
I shook myself awake as I heard the creak of the trailer door opening... That was really starting to become an annoying sound.
Then I noticed the smell of the area. Shifters.. no doubt. By the smell of it, werewolves to be exact. With a hint of vampire. I mentally groaned, just what I needed in my life.
In the frame of the trailer door stood a young vampire accompanied by a young werewolf of vice versa, how should I know who was accompanying who?
Anyways, the young vampire took one look at me before whistling, he clearly admired my coat and muscle. He didn't look half bad himself, ya know, beside being paler than any normal creature I've encountered. He needed more sun- oh, right.
I mentally chuckled to myself at my own terrible joke before noticing the vampire and werewolf had gotten closer.
I bared my teeth at them, but they wouldn't take the hint. The vampire grabbed a lead that was hanging inside the trailer and leapt forward, clipping it on my halter before leaping backwards.
Curse vampire super-speed.
I saw the werewolf chuckle from his position leaning against the trailer frame. I attempted to glare at him, but being a horse has its disadvantages emotion-wise.
That was when I felt the jerk on the lead and was dragged outside. The second my hooves touched dirt, I dug my back hooves into it. I internally smirked as the vampire paused to look at my hooves.
I felt a shove on my rump before stumbling forward, hooves out of the dirt. I looked back and saw the werewolf smiling. I narrowed my eyes at him before attempting to kick that smile off his face.
He dropped the smile before evading my kick and glaring at me. I let out a neigh that sounded, suspiciously, like a laugh. I heard chuckling from in front of me and saw the vampire attempting to cover his laughs. 'It wasn't that funny' I thought.
That's when I noticed the small scrape of dirt on the teen werewolf's (no pun intended) cheek. No wonder he glared so hard at me.
We resumed our walk from the trailer, the werewolf cleaning his cheek as we walked. I took the time to observe my surroundings.
A large 4 story house loomed in front of us, painted a dark navy blue and first green. The green was clearly for camouflage, but the navy blue confused me. I wondered if there was an attic or basement in the, clearly, pack house.
Behind the pack house was a forest green barn-shaped building. If I had hands, I would've facepalmed. A barn is what it clearly was. Stalls upon stalls lined the inside of the barn, most occupied by horses of black, brown, gray, and the occasional white. The second story of the barn contained tack, feed, and hay. There were larger stalls towards the back, most likely for pregnant or nursing mares.
I was led to a normal-sized stall towards the back, away from the others. I noticed this stall seemed a little more fancy than the others. Obviously, it was someone important's horse's stall. Most likely one of the pack leaders or their children.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by the door to the stall closing. I didn't even feel them remove the lead, I must've been in deep thought. The vampire teen gave a small high-five to the werewolf and slight wave to me before walking off, leaving me and the werewolf.
He looked at me and I returned his stare. Eventually, the werewolf cracked a smile and looked away, ending our little staring contest. He opened a little slot on the side of the stall and poured some feed in it before pushing it back in.
I looked at him with a raised eyebrow before turning away from him and looking out the window in the back of the stall, feeling the breeze. It smelled of pine needles and rocks, reminding me of the mountains I was from. Whinnying sadly, I laid down, forgetting the werewolf on the other side of the stall, watching me through the bars above the wooden stall.
I heard him slowly opening the stall door before walking in and propping it open slightly from inside so he could get out, but I couldn't. I felt him cautiously get close to me before laying a hand on my side.
I snapped my head back at him and made a snarling noise to which he immediately removed his hand. I watched as he sat down next to me, refusing to give up so quickly. I snorted, stubborn wolves.
I watched him for a while before laying my head back down on the straw in the the stall. Anytime I'd feel his hand hover near me, I'd make the snarling noise without moving my head and he'd immediately remove it.
After a while, I let out a huff and smacked him with my tail for attempting to touch me for the thousandth time. I heard him laugh a little and I turned my head, looking at him. That wasn't the reaction I was trying for.
I moved further from him and closed my eyes. I vaguely heard a male's voice shouting for someone named 'Chase' before hearing the stall door closing. The man who was in my- no, the- stall must've been this 'Chase' character.
I let out a yawn before falling asleep soundly in the stall, my dreams consisting of lush green fields and vast mountains.

A Horse-Shifters Tale (Under Going Minor Editing Of Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now