Chapter Seventeen

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Hali's POV

I backed away from the wolves and bumped into Chase who's face was bleeding heavily. I looked at the ten wolves around us, all big with foam seeping out of their mouths. The leader snapped at Ash who brought his fist back to hit him on the snout. He whined and shook his head trying to focus back on the fight.

I reared at one of the other wolves as they grew closer and kicked it in the head. I looked over at Chase admiring his blond wolf, he was so handsome, his wolf was bulky and very muscly like even the wolf went to the gym.

"Snap out of it Hali we are in the middle of a fight don't drool about Mr hunky over there," Lyra yelled as a smaller wolf snapped at our legs.

I mentally shook my head and looked down at the small wolf before kicking it in the head, sending it slamming into a tree. One down. Adler was skilfully fighting two bigger wolves and Ash throwing punches at three others. That left four running towards Chase. I jumped over the wolf in front of me and ran over to Chase who was slowly backing towards the edge of a steep cliff. 

The wolves looked over at me as my hooves hit in a steady rhythm on the grass. I jumped over the four wolves and landed in front of Chase who gave me a grateful nod before snapping at the wolves. We kicked and bit at the wolves as whines filled the air. I had knocked out two as Chase had killed two others. Well, this is the most exciting date I've ever been on.

When the leader was the only one left Chase walked up to him. I turned my head as he lunged at the wolf. When they had l shifted into all their naked glory I trotted over to Ash's horse who was still laying on the floor. 

I nuzzled his face and he opened his eyes before trying to get up. When he was standing on all four legs I watched as his tack fell off. The tack had been shredded during the attack on Ash and fell off the horse in bits. I looked at the chestnut's injuries, he had a cut on his flank and a long claw mark on his belly but other than that he looked fine.

Chase walked up to me and I turned my head which was starting to heat with a blush. I didn't want to look at him naked, I mean he looked nice but I just didn't want to see all that... Skin? I shook my head as he tried to turn it towards him.

"Hali, what is it?" He asked with a slight laugh lining his voice.

I stomped my foot and swished my tail hitting him lightly. Ash then decided to walk in front off me to get to his horse. I wasn't quick enough to close my eye. I shook my head, my mane whipping my neck. I needed to get that image out of my head. Annoyed I trotted in the direction of the trailer hearing the chestnut following me I picked up my speed to a canter. I stood in front off the door, eager to get back so these people could get clothes on.

The horse who had been left in the meadow,was grazing happily when the others arrived walking slowly. Really slowly. Do they like being this exposed. I looked up at the darkening sky as I felt a cold droplet on my nose. Hard cold droplets began to hit my back and I smiled slightly as Ash let out a very girly scream.

The trailer was opened quickly by Chase, who was getting pelted by cold rain. I walked slowly into the trailer and started to nibble on the hay. The other horses loaded themselves and the door was shut. Well ,that took a turn for the worse.


The trailed stopped and the door opened to three unfamiliar faces. One extremely pales the other two tanned. The two tanned wolves placed halters on the stallions and I was left with the vampire. He came towards me slowly as I placed my ears as far back onto my head as they could go. He was holding my blue halter and a black lead rope which showed me he was part of the pack, but I still let out a high pitched neigh as he used his vamp speed and appeared next to me. He patted my neck while slowly putting on the halter, he had a small smile on his face and was muttering under his breath,

A Horse-Shifters Tale (Under Going Minor Editing Of Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now