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As sunset approched, Hiccup grew more and more tense. What if they revolt? what if they attack Berk for the chick? He watched as Snowfoot weaved in and out between chair legs. He watched Toothless sleep wearily. What would happen to Toothless if the others attacked? they held no shame in killing a dragon. He saw Snowfoot quietly approch Toothless. He wactched wordlessly as she sniffed his shoulder, inspecting the dried up wound. He opened and eye and growled, but she didnt back off. She began licking his wound softly Toothless winched and liften his head, watching the little chick unsure. finnaly, he slowly stooped his head, and sniffed at the chick. He nudged her with his nose.

she jumped excitedly in a circle and preformed a play bow. toothless watched as she jumped about all around him. Hiccup smiled. At least they are starting to get along now. When sunset finnaly rolled around, he Stoik and the others arrived at the dock to give their final word in their desicion. The dragons waited in the great hall, and Snowpaw was left there in her box. As they approched the dock, they saw that most of the visitors waited on the dock. they must have decided fighting unprepared in a foregn land against dragons wasnt a good idea.

Leon waited just in front of the pier, arms crossed, and face cold. He and two other guards on either side of him stood huddled together. Villagers from berk created a semi circle around the dock, giving it a wide birth. Stoik Hiccup and Gobber approched them without fear...well...Stoik and Gobber. " Have you reached a decision then? " Leon growled. " We have. We will not lett you slaughter an innocent chick to savor your bloody revenge. And you can all get. off. my. island. " Stoiks words caused threatening murmer of agreement to sound from all the villagers. 

" So be it then. BRING ' IT ' OUT! " at Leons order, some men began to move forward, setting all the villagers on edge, ready to fight if the need should arise. Two men came forth behind Leon, obsuring them from sight. They could hear the ratteling of chains, and the others on the boat began hissing at spitting.

At first, Hiccup thought it was at them, then realized, they were spitting at whatever the men were carrying. Leon stepped aside, as did his two guards, and Hiccups stomahc gave a lurch when he saw what they were bringing out.

Bound in chains her purple silk dress and cloak were covered in dirt, her once long and shiney hair was now matted an clumped, as if she had been roughly gripped by her hair alone. Her wrists were bloody from the cuffs, which were obviously far too tight. They called her names Hiccup did not reconize, "Soith" "fraochdan" "fhealir" "fola salach" and others he couldnt even pronouce. Her face was covered in filth, and she even bore a black eye and dired blood on her nose. " Mactire! " Hiccup yelled. " Leon what did you do! " Leon watched his niece, compleatly unmoved by her plite. " this TRAITOR " he spat the name at her. " Smuggled the chick of the dragon that killed our cheif," there was a murmer from the boat. " MY brother" a louder murmer, " and her own FATHER! " the noise form the boat riveled the roar of a dragon. 

They continued to call her names, even throwing things at her, from rotten food, to shoes. They had her stand on land, just before the wooded dock began. They turned her to face Leon and the boat.

"Mac tíre an healer, tá tú cúnamh i éalú an dúnmharú ar ár príomhfheidhmeannach, d'athair. Bhí tú ag sentanced go deoraíocht, agus beidh tú a stripped d'ainm a chur chugainn. Má tá tú leomh chos a leagtar ar Scáth arís, beidh tú a chur chun báis trí bhaoiteáil Dragon ."

Leon bellowed, and the boat wen wild with jeers and name calling. He translated it, so the villagers of berk would understand.

" Wolf the healer, you have aided in the escape of the murder of our chief, your father. You have been sentanced to exile, and you shall be stripped of your name to us. Should you dare set foot on Scath again, you will be put to death by means of dragon baiting."

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