Alternative Ending

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     ᵗʰⁱˢ ʷᵃˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒˢᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ʷʳⁱᵗᵗᵉⁿ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵃˢ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ʷʰⁱⁿⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵗ ᵐʸ ᶠⁱⁿᵃˡᵉ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ....ᵐᵉ ᵏⁱˡˡⁱⁿᵍ ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ......ⁱᵐ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳ10,000 ʸᵉᵃʳˢ ᵗᵒ ᶠⁱⁿᵃˡˡʸ ᶠᵘˡᶠⁱˡˡ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʷⁱˢʰᵉˢ!!!ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ

"Buttt.....I want ice cream~"the boy whined turning his body around so he can look at the one who's pushing his wheelchair.

"No!I told you already you can't have it until you finally recovered"The other retorted.

"But Jungkookie~Pwese just one"The male again tried body still tilted as he look at Jungkook with puppy doe eyes.

"No! Taehyung Doctors said no unhealthy foods for you until you recovered...and please sit properly we are almost there"Jungkook said making Taehyung sat down properly pouting and grumbling some understandable words.

Jungkook who ignore it and continue pushing the wheelchair through the hallways finally spoting the familiar bench under the huge oak tree.

Upon arriving he locked the both wheels going in front of Taehyung who was making grabby hands for the boy to transfer him on the bench.

Jungkook lift him up easily placing him gently at the bench going back at the wheelchair getting the pillow,blankets and a basket full of foods.

(ᵗʰᵉ ʷʰᵉᵉˡᶜʰᵃⁱʳ ʰᵃˢ ᵃ ʰᵘᵍᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵖᵃᵗᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳ ⁱᵗ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᶜᵃⁿ ᶠⁱᵗ 5 ᵖⁱˡˡᵒʷˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵇˡᵃⁿᵏᵉᵗˢ)

He neatly place the thick blanket at the green grass putting the pillows on the side.He the goes to Taehyung lifting him again to put him on the blanketed ground.

Taehyung then grab the basket getting the food out which was consisted of
Salad,cherry tomatoes, a bowl of strawberries,gimbamp,tteokoboki and kimchi.

Jungkook who also sat down infront of Taehyung carefully took of all the plastic lids of the food seperating the wooden chopsticks giving a pair to Taehyung who accept it happily reaching for a bowl for him to finally start eating.

Jungkook chuckles watching Taehyung eagerly eating the kimchi while eyeing the strawberries.He slowly get some gimbamp putting it on his own bowl.

The both quietly eating well more like Taehyung eating like a beast and Jungkook staring at him lovesick.

Taehyung who finally notice the stare he was receiving look up only to find a glassy eyes staring at him so he quickly put his food down reaching for Jungkook's cheeks.

"Hey why are you crying mr. Bunny? "
Taehyung asked worried.

"I'ts just I can't believe that you are finally safe no more cancer no more worries..... Just a week ago I almost lost you.....I promise you that I'll be taking care of you my Carrot"Jungkook said Taehyung who smiled at him slowy leaning his head closer to Jungkook.

"I love you"Jungkook said finally connecting their lips there was no lust involve just pure love......... feeling the need to breath they finally pulled away forehead still attached Taehyung whispered.

"I Love You Too"

i think I just created the worst alternative ending in the history of writing😂But who carezz no one at least no one dies😂that's the only main reason why I wrote alternative ending😂

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