𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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     "JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK!!!"the voice booms throughout the hall making the boy jump out of bed but not completely conscious as he was back to bed again mumbling icoherent word.

"JUNGKOOK YOUR SLUT OF A GIRLFRIEND IS HERE SO WAKE THE FUCK UP ALREADY!!!!"Jin again yelled again out of frustration It's  obvious that they don't like the girl completely knowing where the she works.

"I-Im Up I'm up"Jungkook respond irritated knowing that Sana was here he so badly want to break up with  her but he just can't.

Why beacause he thought the girl was the one who took care of him when he was involved in the accident so he hold a grudge to her....but oh well that's what he tought.
He goes to his bathroom doing his usual morning routine when he suddenly felt dizzy as a flashbacks come to view.

Every morning this happen where he see himself with a boy but he can't see his face because it's blurry but everytime as always he hears a deep soothing,sweet voice "I love You Kookie" that what's the boy always say before the flashback end.

After the flash back Jungkook always find himself staring into space and thats what exactly happen after staring he quickly shook his head going downstairs straight to their living room

 Where he was met whit a chaotic sight of Jimin and Hoseok playing chase a sleeping Yoongi and A Jin scolding Namjoon beacause he again broke something......

But what caught his attention is his girlfriend holding a package with a card that she was currently reading.

"HEY!!Jungkookie!!! I think it's for you!!"Sana said in an annoying high pitched voice everyone suddenly stop what they are donig and keep quiet and look at her with a glare.

"Bitch you don't have to yell your literally three feets apart geez"Jimin said in a not so sweet tone making Jungkook chuckle silently

Jungkook then turn to Sana getting the box and the letter quite harshly all of the boys in the living room came rushing towards him "Who is it from?"Jin ask exitedly with Jimin and Hoseok clapping their hands show that they are exited.

Jungkook again chuckles and flip the card as if their in a slow motion everyone freezez at what Jungkook said next"Kim Taehyung?"

395 Word (T•T)

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