chapter fifteen

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it had been a few days since hyunjin and i officially became friends. i'm also officially considered as a friend by the rest of stray kids and i consider them as friends, too. it felt weird to have them around at first, but we share a lot of things in common and it's fun to be around them.

chan picked minho and i up to go to school and i feel like something bad is going to happen. it's crazy how his car can exactly fit all of us. it's packed, for sure, but we all fit nonetheless. the last time we rode his car, he had a driver and i was squeezed in between him and hyunjin. only half of my butt cheek could fit.

even if i finally have new friends and are with them at the moment, and i am happy; today seems off. i feel like there's something missing, that i left something at home despite knowing that i didn't because my mom and minho has always made sure i don't. it doesn't make sense. i just feel like something will happen. who knows, i might die today or something.

"i didn't leave anything at home, right?" i asked,

"of course you didn't." chan reassures, parking his car. "let's go guys."

the parking lot is a bit far from the campus itself, so i started thinking about why i feel this way and figuring out what could be the reason.

is it because i'm not used to having them around?

no, i'm pretty sure that isn't the case. this isn't the first time we're all together yet this is the first time i felt this way.

will i have my period?

pfft, nonsense, it just ended last week. why did i even think of that?

did i forget to do my homework?

there wasn't any homework given for us to do.

"earth to y/n?" changbin said, snapping his fingers in front of my face.


"care to share what you're thinking about?" he asked, an eyebrow raised.

"please, it'll probably be about something nerdy." minho muttered, about to enter the campus.

i got a hold of his arm to stop him, "something doesn't feel right."

"of course something doesn't feel right; it's monday!" jisung replied, removing my hand off of minho's arm and pushed me inside the campus. they all followed suit and, once we all entered, we see people crowding with their backs facing us.

"IT'S STRAY KIDS!" someone yelled, pointing at our direction.

they all started yelling and turned to look at us. i quickly rushed behind the guys, hugging someone from behind. i don't know who it was because i'm looking down as i'm hugging him, but that doesn't matter now.

i felt him place his hand on top of mine, caressed it for a little bit, and then let it fall to his sides. "you're like a baby, y/n." he said, chuckling.

oh, so it's him. "shut up, hwang, let me hide."

"you're using me as a shield?"

"i don't know, man, not really."

"you're really something else."

"i have been told."i said, laughing a bit.

"you're cute, though."

and that, ladies and gentlemen, caused my cheeks to feel hot and the reason isn't because i felt embarassed. did he really just call me cute? i have never been called cute before. i mean,

year 2010

"my bracelet broke." i cried,

"aw" he cooed, "cute, baby y/n broke her bracelet." jungkook said in baby voice, also pinching my cheeks.

"stop doing that." i groaned, "i put more effort in making these beads into a bracelet than i ever did with dressing myself up or in a group work, and it just broke!"

"stop crying or you'll be more ugly. i'll give you some nylon string to turn those beads into a bracelet again."


"HYUNJIN!" someone yelled, i tip-toed to try and see what's going on but i still can't see. stray kids aren't giants, but i'm only 157 cm tall and their shoes have a bit of platform. anyway, i think the one who yelled ran all the way to where we are because someone's panting and talking to chan.

"why? what's going on?"

"rosie and her squad were looking for hyunjin."

i'm not particularly sure if this is the reason why i felt like something wrong was going to happen, but i think it is. what's so bad about roxy looking for hyunjin? that was the goal from before anyways. i slowly let go from Hyunjin and stood properly.

"why?" this time, changbin asked.

"i don't know." the girl responded,

"tell her to text me." hyunjin said, his voice sounding like the first time i heard him talk– badass and shit, i don't know. it's just not like what i know how he talks now. despite that, i bet he's ecstatic on the inside. he has been waiting for this moment, but he has a reputation so he has to act... cool? i guess.

oh, wait.

maybe this really is the reason as to why i felt like something wasn't going to go alright.

roxy and hyunjin.

oh, for odin's sake. what the hell is going on with me?

why did i suddenly feel sad when hyunjin told the girl to tell roxy to text him? it doesn't make any sense. he and i are just friends and he's been working his ass off trying to get back together with her. now that he's finally, slowly, getting back to her; why do i feel sad? as his friend, i should be happy.

i must be happy.

i'm totally confused with myself now. it's not like i have feelings for hyunjin for me to be sad. i can't explain it. i'm not sad to the point where i'll cry, but i feel... empty. maybe it's because i have never spoken to roxy and i don't know what she's like.

yeah, that's it.

since hyunjin's my friend, he's important to me now and i feel a certain way because i have no idea what roxy is like. i mean, they never talked about her and all i know is that hyunjin loves her. if they get back together, what if roxy suddenly ignores him again? clearly that isn't normal, right? plus, who knows what and how hyunjin will be?

i guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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