Best selfie ever!

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Red: hey have you ever notice how we don't have any phones to take selfies.
Green: what?
Red: yeah I mean we have phones that call but that's it.
Green: so....
Red: watch,hey Norma (author) can you draw me an iPhone?
Norma: sure
Green: what's an iPhone?
Red: idk I saw it on tv.
*Norma gives red the iphone*
Red: awesome I can take selfies know! *calls yellow and blue*
Yellow&Blue: hey red.
Red: come over here fast I have important news!!!!
Yellow&Blue: okay,okay,okay geez.
*yellow and blue come over*
Yellow: what's so important?
Green: *sighs* red got a phone that takes selfies.
Red: yesssssss! And I want the first selfie to be of us.
Green: idek why people read this book if all you do is act stupid. \(-_-)/
Red: because I'm cute :3
Green: sure......
Blue: why do you want to take a selfie on that iPhone anyways?
Red: for if y'all die.
Yellow: ummm. Okay.
*all take a selfie*

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