Part 1

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Im your normal teenager. We'll except for the fact I'm depressed. I know what your thinking, wow a teenage girl who is depressed, so shocking! But i know what you mean. Every girl seems to be upset over some stupid thing that won't even matter after high school. as a kid I was that one girl who said, " I'm not gonna be a troubled teen, I'm gonna be awesome forever, and blah blah blah. and now look at me, I'm depressed, on the edge, feeling so alone, feeling tired and all that stuff. I know what your thinking, who cares. we'll apparently no one because no body knows, and no one wants to know.

My name is Caitlyn, I have brown hair, medium length. I have brown eyes. I am not skinny, I'm not huge, but not flat stomached. I'm a little lower than average I guess. I wear some makeup some days. I usually have straight hair. you'd think I'm just a normal teen.

Let me tell you something. nothing is what it seems. there are a lot of masks in this world. and a lot of them don't come off with out a fight.
It's Monday, the first day back from spring break. at my school I'm the girl who gets bullied. I'm the girl who gets bullied and hides it all behind a mask. but of course no one actually knows I'm that girl. I have one friend, and she has no idea I'm fighting this battle inside my head.
I got ready for school. I got into the shower. I got out and walked into my room. I got changed, I wore my black skinny jeans, with a white T-shirt and my cardigan and my white converse shoes. I walked to my make up stand. I dried my hair and straightened it. then I put on some mascara and some lip stick. then I went down stairs to eat. I grabbed a banana and a juice box. my mom was already up getting ready for work.
I ate at the table, then I throw my garbage out and headed out the door. my mom was in the car waiting for me. I got in and she started driving to school.
When we got there I saw my three bullies. Luke, zac, and alex. they stood in front of the sidewalk everyday, so they can have a smoke before school. I got out and started walking toward the school. I heard my mom drive away behind me. as I got closer I hung my head low so they wouldn't see me.

"hey Caitlyn, come here." Luke yelled out to me. I tensed turning around to go toward him. "how's it going loser? Haven't seen ya in a while." I stayed quiet, in hopes they'll leave me alone. but I was wrong. Alex and zac came up from behind me so I was surrounded." What's wrong? Not gonna talk? " Luke asked smirking. I just stared at the ground. Luke started laughing, he bent down so I was looking right at him. "your pathetic." He said. then he walked away.

although he didn't go very far and Alex and zac were still behind me. they kicked my legs so I fell to the ground. they all started laughing at me. I just laid there, silent listening for the footsteps of them walking away. but it never happened not until they got one last good kick at my stomach.

Once they finally walked away. I braced my self, and got up as fast as I could. tears burned my eyes. I ran to the bathroom. I locked the stall door. I looked through my bag, until I found them.
I stared at them, thinking. a tear ran down my face. I wiped it away, I took it and dragged it slowly across my wrist. making sure it wasn't deep nor long, so it wasn't very noticeable. I looked at my scar from a couple nights ago. I did it for a reason, that night I got a message online from someone, it read, "your fat, ugly, stupid, just go die already."
It wasn't the first time something like that happened. although it still hurts.

I finished up, wrapping paper towel on my arm then pulling my sleeve down. then I got up off the floor and walked out of the bathroom. I walked to my locker. the bell rang, signalling that 1 period was over. I skip a lot actually, just trying to stay away from the bullies, or should I say Luke. I got my books and walked to social. when I got there everyone was waiting outside for the teacher. Luke saw me and stared at me for awhile. I just looked away after a bit but I could feel his gaze on me. They made their way towards me, but before they got to me, the teacher showed up opening the door. It was mrs.k, she was my favourite teacher. she was fun and tried to make our lessons less boring. she had short hair that was now a medium brown. she wears a lot of bright fun clothes. she basically was just an awesome person. So anyway now you know the teacher, lets get back to the reality. we took our seats, which is assigned to us in her class. as much as I love mrs.k she couldn't have picked a worse spot for me to sit. in front of me was of course Alex, then beside me was no other than Luke. 😒 I mean I can't blame her though, she doesn't know what's going on. No one does... She started talking about a test coming up. I was doodling in my notebook when all of a sudden, Luke slammed shut my book on me. he smirked at me, like he always does. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself. I opened my eyes seeing Alex turned around in his seat, laughing at me along with Luke. I opened my book again, but to a blank page so they couldn't see the drawings. they looked at each other then directed their attention back to the teacher.

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