Part 7

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(Caitlyn's POV)

They just stare at me. I just look down at my books. I get up to walk away when an arm grabs me and twists me. Alex punches me right in the stomach.
Zach laughs joining in then they leave me alone for a few seconds. " where's your boyfriend now?" Alex asks.

(Luke's POV)
I walk into the school. I can't believe I did that stupid move. Opens the door for her. OMG what's wrong with me.

I walk to my homeroom classroom and open the door. I instantly see Alex and Zach and I see them hovering over something on the ground. I look closer and see thats it's Caitlyn. I run up and push them off of her. She gets up grabbing her things and leaving.

I glare at them then run after Caitlyn. I follow her as she runs into the girls bathroom. I rush in after her not caring about it being a girls bathroom.

(Caitlyn's POV)
I hear Luke running after me and I run into the girls bathroom in attempt to get him away. But it didn't work. He walks in anyway. Why does he even care? That boy is so confusing. He seems like he cares but then he Doesn't. I just wish by the end of this he makes up his mind.

(Luke's POV)
I see her there on the ground with blood dripping from her nose. She looks at me and immediately breaks down crying. I walk over and sit next to her comforting her. The bell rings but neither of us care. Won't be the first time I'm late. It will be the last though. I'm happy it's because of her. Even if its because she is beat to shit.. Because of me.. .

She starts to move away from me and I let her. She stands up and looks at me with red eyes. God she's so beautiful. With her hair messy and her beautiful eyes, even when they are filled with hurt she is still absolutely and utterly gorgeous.

And I'm the whole reason why she cries at night. I was, and I may still be, the reason why she hurts so badly that she had turned to cutting.

Through all my thoughts she has just been staring at me.

I stand up and walk over to her grabbing her hands intertwining our fingers. She quickly backed away.
"You think this changes anything? It doesn't. I still hate you Luke. I'm sorry but I could never forget what you did to me. I can't even forgive you. You made my life hell."
My heart breaks at her words. How could she say that she hates me. I mean I understand exactly. And she has every right to hate me. I just thought that I'd grown a little. I'm just trying to make it right.
" Caitlyn.. I understand. But I won't be able to live with myself if I don't explain everything to you. I know I've been confusing, and we'll I'm fucked up. But please just give me a chance. I'm not asking to be your boyfriend or anything, not even your friend. But I really don't want you to hate me and I feel like shit constantly for hurting you all those years ago." I say staring so deep into her eyes that I'm almost in tears.
" please..."  I say begging her.

She looks at me, taking in everything that I had said. She finally agrees to let me talk through it all. And I grab her hand, practically dragging her  out of the bathroom into the stage room behind our gym.

I sit in behind the curtains so it's more private, and I don't have to worry about a girl coming into the bathroom and seeing me and Caitlyn talking in the bathroom.

" okay, explain." She said.

(Caitlyn's POV)

I tell him to explain and he looks at me. His eyes stare into mine so deeply it's kind of awkward.
He sighs and takes my hands in his and I just leave it this time.

" okay I guess I'll start from the beginning then.. I never really thought of it as bullying. I just did it so you would notice me. Then it got more as the days went by and then it just got out of hand. I couldn't stop though. It's not that I wanted to hurt you. I can't control myself. I don't know what else to say. They just did it and thought it was cool. I wanted to stop. I never wanted to do it in the first place either. But they would force me, and call me names if I didn't. So I'd give up. At home I was being neglected so I fell into the wrong group who helped me Act out. Then the years went by and then I seen your.. You know, scars. And that's when I realized how much of an idiot I am.
I realized how much I have actually hurt you. And to tell you the truth it makes me feel like shit every second of the day to know that I did this to you. Anyway after that I thought and I didn't know what was happening an I was confused. Then when I seen them bullying you, something inside of me.. I- I just snapped and I don't know why. But trust me I never wanted to hurt you. Then when I kissed you I don't know I just thought.. We'll I don't know what I thought. I think, I well, I don't know. Then today when I saw it I snapped at them. I can't believe after all the 'talks' I had with them. I can't believe they did that. I guess I finally did the right thing.. "
He finished.
My blood was boiling. " the right thing?" I say harshly. " what the hell is wrong with you." He looked at me confused.
" but I - I did the right thing, didn't i?" He said looking at me, hope in his eyes. I scoff ," you may have done the right thing this time. But I'm not taking any chances with the asshole who bullied me for four FUCKING years." I said.
It was harsh but true. And sure as hell needed to be said.

So I walked the fuck out of there leaving Luke speechless.

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