The Talk

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"Kaitlin, what's with all these people?" Marissa called out, holding her hand over her throbbing head. 

"Oh, it's just a little party, sis. If I want to be popular, I can't let anyone else throw a better party than me," Kaitlin explained, typing away on her phone as she said it. 

Marissa groaned, throwing disapproving looks. "You know if Mom finds out about this, you're going to be in big trouble, right? Also, you can't be taking advantage of Summer and her dad like this, Kaitlin." She stated. 

"Chill out, Marissa. Here, have a drink," Kaitlin offered a glass, but Marissa glared at her way, she only shrugged before she walking away.

Marissa strolled around the house looking for Summer, she found her at the top of the stairs. "Sum, there you are," She pulled Summer aside, opening the door to her room. "I'm really sorry about the party, Sum. Kaitlin, I honestly don't know what's going on with that." 

"It's fine, Coop," Summer picked up a remote and flipped through channels. "besides, have you seen us in high school? Let's just leave the parenting to our parents and talk about the elephant in the room." She said, plopping herself down on the bed. 

Marissa turned to Summer, "Like what?" She asked. 

Summer pursed her lips, shrugging. "Well, you know. You and a certain test results. Ryan and Seth are coming over soon you know," She declared. 

"Wait, they are?" Marissa chipped in. 

Summer only nodded, barely glancing as she was focused on the TV before her. Her favorite show was playing and Marissa knew well enough that she shouldn't disrupt her when it came to that. 

"Sum, I can't tell him. I just can't, I know I said that I was going to.. But now that I actually have to do it, I can't." Marissa rambled, pacing back and forth in the room. 

"Relax, Coop. He's Ryan, the guy who chose to take care of Theresa and her baby instead of abandoning her?" Summer said, then her phone buzzed as she sat upright reaching for the phone on the bedside table. "Wait, this is probably them right now," She flipped open her phone and read the text message. "yup, it's them. Come on, let's save them from having to go through a bunch of party-goers downstairs." She said, pulling Marissa towards the door, into the crowded hallways surrounded by sweaty teenagers making out in every corner. 

"Cohen, hey!" Summer called out, pulling Seth in an embrace to plant a deep kiss on his lips as she approached. 

Marissa stood on the side watching over, glancing at Ryan as a small smile tugged at her lips. "You came," She said. 

"Yeah, I feel like I needed a break from doing college for a while." Ryan nodded, looking over Marissa. 

Marissa looked around for a while before finding her eyes back on Ryan. "Right, how's that going? Are classes okay?" She questioned. 

Ryan shrugged, his hand in his pocket. "Well, you know, it's college. Not a night goes by without another assignment," He said. "how about you? How was everything at work?" He asked.

"It's been good, actually can we talk outside please? There's something I want to talk to you about." Marissa revealed. 

"Sure, let's go," Ryan nodded, having his arm on Marissa's back, pulling her away out of the front door into the chilly night air. Marissa crossed her arms over her chest as the wind seeped through her bare arms. 

"I mean, there's really no easy way to say this.." Marissa began, pondering over the right words to say. Despite knowing him for a long time and how he'd give up on anything important in his life just to try and be there for her, well, that's honestly what she was worried about. She didn't want him to feel like he had to save her. 

"What is it?" Ryan asked. 

"Remember when we were in that Vegas trip?" Marissa glanced over at Ryan, hoping that he'd get there faster and she wouldn't need to get to the hard part. 

"Yeah, what about it?" Ryan probed. 

Marissa bit her bottom lip, sitting down on a bench nearby. "Well, I've been cutting off work cause ever since that day I've just been feeling.. sick." She looked up to catch Ryan's reaction, but he just stood there, leaning against the wall, as if waiting for her to continue. Looking away into a straight point ahead where two drunken couple were stumbling onto each other, she added. "I took this test to know if it's true, and I'm pregnant." She revealed.

Ryan remained still for a moment, only pacing for a while before sitting himself next to Marissa. "Wow," He blurted. "I don't even know what to say. Are you sure?" He asked, glancing at her. 

"I mean, I've only taken one test, but yeah pretty sure. I've got all the symptoms." Marissa replied, staring at him. 

"How long have you, you know, had it?" He turned at her. 

She shrugged. "I don't know, a couple of weeks?" She said.

"A couple of weeks and you're just telling me this now?" He stated, his tone getting irritated by the second. 

"Look, I don't know what to do, okay? I know how much college means to you right now especially with how you talked about it in texts, that's why I was dreading to tell you. Every day I wake up and wish I wasn't pregnant, but I am." 

He sighed, "I know, I know, I'm sorry," He said, softening his tone. "I just.. I thought that we've been careful." He revealed.

"Yeah well, even the strongest one can break," She scoffed. "what are we going to do now, Ryan? Because I can't have this baby, I mean, not because it's yours. It's just that, I feel like we're at this stage of lives where we're actually not surrounded by drama." She stated. 

"Yeah, I know what you mean," He said, glancing up and reaching out his hand on her shoulder, scooting closer. "well, not that I don't trust you or anything, but I feel like we still have to go to the doctor, you know, for an official test. And about the other thing, whatever you'll choose to do, I'm here for you." 

She stared at him for a while, before giving in. "Fine, we'll go tomorrow together," She stated. 

He painted a smile on his face, standing up. "Alright, how about we just enjoy feeling like dysfunctional hormonal teenagers like what they're doing inside right now for one night before whatever brings tomorrow?" He reached a hand out for her to take as he said it. 

She took his hand, grinning. "Come on, let's come and join back Seth and Summer."

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