The Plan

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"You free, pretty thing?" 

Marissa growled, scrunching up her nose at the new customer who sat on the stool before her. "Ugh, don't. If you're going to do that all day, the only thing you're going to get is this fist." 

"That's very detailed, Marissa," The other person came in to the diner, dropping their stuff on the counter. 

"Hey, Taylor," Marissa greeted, walking over. "What do you want?" She asked, handing over a menu towards Taylor's way. 

"Well, I just dropped by Summer and couldn't help but notice that she was in such a foul mood. Is she still down about her father?" Taylor asked. 

"Yeah, well, it's the first time that she had a fight with her father. Usually, they were always so compatible, unlike what my mother and I used to have." Marissa replied, pouring a coffee on Taylor's cup. 

"I see that," Taylor trailed, taking a sip. "are we not going to do something about it? You know, like to help them get back on track?" She suggested. 

Marissa looked away for a while, thinking. "I do hate to see her sulking, you know, you might be onto something there, Taylor," She began. As she caught Taylor forming a grin at the corner of the girl's lips, she added. "okay you know what, I have to meet up with Ryan soon at the hospital to do something. And while I'm there I can go over to Dr Roberts and you manage Summer, how about that?" 

"I think that sounds perfect," Taylor said. "you know, I'm really glad that we got to be friends, I think this could be the start of something special." 

Marissa shrugged, without muttering another response as she watched Taylor walking away out of the diner, leaving her to clean up the empty before she looked at the watch on her wrist. She went over to the back to grab her things and walked to her car. Driving away out of the lot, she realized that Ryan must have been waiting for her, come to her surprise the street was eerily empty that day. 

Soon enough, she pulled up at the parking lot of the hospital, walking out of the car into the hospital. Ryan was already standing there in the lobby, waiting for her. She pulled him in an embrace as she approached. "I'm so sorry for being late, had to take care of something at work," She declared, pulling away. 

"It's fine, I just got here a while ago too." Ryan said, putting his hand inside his pocket. 

"Alright, let's get to it, then." Marissa said, walking towards the elevator to get to the floor where she'd be having her appointment in. She paced in the hallway when they approached as Ryan took a seat in the waiting's lounge. 

A couple of paces later, Marissa finally sat down on the seat next to Ryan. Her phone buzzed and came in a text from Taylor. She typed away vigorously to send in a reply, he looked over at her as soon as she was done. 

"Who are you texting to?" Ryan asked. 

"Oh just Taylor, she's helping me with something," Marissa replied, shrugging. Ryan nodded, no more answer from him. A nurse came in her peripheral vision, as she walked over when they told her that it was her time. She hesitated, but he reached a hand out to her, holding her hand. That was the assurance she needed.

The paramedics made her lie down on a much rather cold, uncomfortable bed - the kind that hospitals tend to have. She was told to remain seated and quiet as they pulled out a monitor that's usually used to tell whether someone was pregnant. Gulping, her body tingled as they put a stesthoscope over her stomach. 

Ryan was next to her, holding onto her hand still. She glanced up at him, seeing his face sent warmth onto her. The checkup was completed as she sighed out of relief, sitting on the bed to take yet another breath. She walked over to the doctor's table along with Ryan next to her, waiting for them to give them both a closure. 

"How long have you known that you're four weeks pregnant?" 

She widened, still taken back by the news though she had figured out all along that she was, indeed, pregnant. "A couple of weeks, I've been having symptoms," She explained. 

The doctor nodded. "Well, come back for another week to check up. Make sure that you're resting and having healthy meals frequently," He said. 

She only nodded, then the doctor didn't say anything anymore, as she watched him write something on a piece of paper. He was probably prescribing her some meds, perhaps. Once that was done and over with, she walked out of the doctor's office, facing Ryan. 

"So, what are we going to do now?" Ryan asked. 

Marissa looked down, scratching the back of her neck. "That I really am pregnant," She revealed. She brushed it off, changing the subject. "alright, I'm going to have to find Dr Roberts now, then we can go home." She said. 

Dr Roberts wasn't far from reach as she was expecting, she bumped into him right on the elevator. She told him something about how Summer needed help as soon as possible, something that would drive him to leave work that instant and come with her. So now there she was, back in the passenger's seat as Ryan driving, while Dr Roberts was in the backseat. 

"Will anyone please tell me what's going on with my child?" 

Marissa bit her lower lip, glancing at Ryan looking for assurance. But he didn't seem to notice as he was looking over the road before him. "Sorry Dr Roberts, I really have no idea except for the fact that it's an emergency." 

"It better be, I had to leave a patient for this, and you know they were having an asthma attack?" 

Marissa scrunched, guilt radiated in her. She didn't mutter a word until they finally arrived back at the house. She walked out of the car along with the others, going up the stairs to knock on the door. Taylor came into the view as soon as the door was revealed open, forming a grin. "Oh hi Dr Roberts, you must be here for Summer. She's really in such a bad shape, she even refused to watch her favorite show, The Valley." 

Dr Roberts walked in to the house blatantly, going over to Summer's room followed by Marissa and the others. Marissa looked at Taylor sending a wink towards the girl's way, high-fiving each other silently as they walked up the stairs. Ryan didn't see it though as he was ahead both of them. 

As Dr Roberts came into Summer's room, she was having her headphones in her ears flipping through the pages of a magazine. She glanced up at her dad coming in. "Dad? What are you doing here?" That's when Marissa and Taylor shut the door and locked it from the outside just so both of the people inside couldn't get out. They could hear footsteps walking over to the door, clicking on the knob, but to no avail. Then, distant murmurs that they couldn't catch but they just assumed it sounded a lot like cursing. 

Marissa and Taylor high-fived each other some more, laughing. "Alright now all stages completed. We just wait for them to work things out," Taylor declared. 

"Yup, couldn't have said it better myself." Marissa chimed in. 

Ryan looked over the both of them, shooting daggers. "Wait you guys did this?" He asked. 

Marissa nodded, forming a sly smirk over her face. "Of course we did." She replied. 

Another footsteps coming up the stairs and they knew it was Seth because he came into their vision not long after. "Summer, are we going to do that again or what?" He asked, then his brows furrowed when he saw the three people holding him back from coming in even further. 

"Not now, Seth, Summer's having a very important talk with her dad right now." Taylor revealed. 

"Wait, what? Why did you guys-" Seth said but was cut off. 

"Yeah, come back later. She's all yours by then." Marissa said, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Alright, whatever, Ryan, you want to play some video games, man?" Seth said, looking over at Ryan. 

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