The Gang is Back

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"Seth, you're going to have to stop looking over at the new arrival gate because Ryan said himself that he's not going to arrive for hours," Marissa stated, leaning her back against the railing. 

Seth turned around, sending Marissa a side glare. "You know this reminds me of when we asked you for a ride to The Model Home house, except I miss Summer," He declared. 

"That makes both of us," Marissa added. "But she has an audition." She shrugged, watching over the neon sign above the revolving doors changing every second, a little bit nervous about Ryan's arrival. 

"Tell me again why does Summer want that?" Seth asked. 

Marissa felt Seth fixating on her, waiting for her to spill her guts but she knew that Summer probably wanted to tell him herself. "You're going to ask her about that yourself, Seth," She replied. 

"Okay, I thought we were close now, I let you wear my Spiderman mask." Seth pointed out. 

"Who let who wears Seth's spiderman mask?" The deep voice that belonged to the one and only Ryan Atwood, appearing behind Seth, who turned around right away and pulled him in an embrace. Ryan looked incredibly good and well-shaved, kind of hard for Marissa not to drool over. 

But Marissa brushed away any thoughts that led her into thinking of her and Ryan, clearly, that didn't work so well in the past. Her therapist, who she had seen frequently these days, even stated that. "No one, Ryan, don't listen to Seth," She hugged him shortly, trying to not inhale every scent of him. Turning to Seth, she spoke, "And we agreed to never speak of that again." She narrowed her eyes at Seth. 

Seth dismissed it, taking one of Ryan's suitcase after. "So, you know that the place's filled with A-list stars right now and we all know what that means right," He said. 

"You know I can tell on Summer right, Seth?" Marissa chipped in. 

"I was helping out a brother here, Marissa," Seth rolled his eyes, turning back to Ryan, who let out a chuckle. 

"Where's Summer anyway? Did she already arrive yesterday?" Ryan asked, getting into the passenger's seat of the car that Marissa drove to the airport, as Seth went on the backseat. This felt like old times already. 

Marissa started the engine, pulling out of the parking lot before replying. "Yeah she did, but she has an audition to do today and can't be here. She sent love though," She said. 

"An audition that I still don't know about." Seth added. 

"Get over yourself, Seth, we're going over there right now," Marissa dismissed, looking over the rearview mirror to glance at Seth. 

"Summer and audition? Now that's something that you don't hear every day," Ryan stated. "Well, how about you, what do you do these days?" He turned to Marissa, staring. 


Marissa was cut off by Seth, "Marissa's working at the diner right now, shocking, right?" He blurted. 

"Really? How's your dad? I thought you were going to be with him?" Ryan questioned, looking over at Marissa still. 

"Yeah, that didn't work out so well," Marissa replied. "But hey I think that's for the best though. Anyway, anything interesting in college?" She asked. 

"Classes were hard at first, but I'm adjusting," Ryan answered, looking away out of the window next to him. "Also, I actually miss Kirsten's foul cooking and Sandy's dad jokes." He mused. 

"Well, you're in luck cause that's exactly what you're going to get," Seth said. 

They knew that they had arrived when more people started showing up which meant that the parking lot was so full that it was harder to find one. However, Marissa managed to find her car in a small spot in the lot that she thought was going to be full. The engine stopped and all of them got out of the car, walking toward the scene to find Summer. 

It was a little hard with the mass of people but shortly after, they found Summer, who grinned right away when she saw them approaching and forced them all in a hug. "You're back!" Summer squealed, hitting Ryan on the arm. 

"That hurts, you know," Ryan frowned, putting a hand on the arm that Summer just punched, pretending to be hurt. 

"Oh okay so now Atwood's softening and what else, Cohen's going to act like a gentleman who doesn't lie about college's interview?" Summer joked. 

"Depends, are you going to tell me why you're auditioning for this thing?" Seth asked. 

Summer scowled, shutting down for a moment. Marissa noticed the sudden change, then switched the topic. "Hey, so did you get the part?" She asked. 

"I haven't even gone in yet, and it's taking so long you guys that the sun's trying to ruin my makeup," Summer clarified. 

"Hey, isn't that Taylor Townsend?" Seth chipped in, making the rest of them turn to the direction that he gazed at. And he was right; there she was, strutting down toward their direction, with her preppy style as her hair was curled down her back. 

"Oh look who's having a little reunion," Taylor greeted as she approached them, taking off her glasses. 

"What are you doing here, Taylor?" Summer asked, unimpressed. 

"Same reason as you, of course, auditioning, isn't that what you guys are up to now?" Taylor grinned, nonchalantly. 

Summer crossed her arms over her chest, looking Taylor up and down as she sighed. "Here I thought that I made it clear there's no competition between you and me," She spat. 

"Oh of course, Summer, there's obviously no competition between us because my dad knows the agent and we all know how important it is to have an insider around here," Taylor stated, forming a sly smile on her face before walking away from the scene, leaving Summer outraged. 

However, Marissa was the one who shouted at Taylor for everyone around to hear before the girl was farther away. "What are you going to do, Taylor, sleep your way with the agent just like you did that dean of the school?" 

"Nice, Coop," Summer said. "But Taylor's kind of right, you know. You kind of have to know an inside if you want to get these things." 

"Right," Marissa paused, biting her lip. "How about we meet up at the diner tomorrow? I have an idea." 


Author's Note: My fellow Ryissa Shippers, don't hate me, I love them forever still so don't worry too much because I'm going to make them endgame obviously. Just not now as it's a little too soon, and I'm going to build them up slowly. Anyway, Taylor made an appearance and is a bitch (as she should've stayed tbh), what did you think? Hope you enjoyed it, and if you do, please vote or comment. 

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