The Premiere

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"I can't believe we're about to see your movie, Sum," Marissa chimed in, looking over herself in the mirror as she put on some gloss and makeup. 

"Yeah, what is it about anyway?" Taylor added. 

"Well, let's keep it as a surprise now shall we?" Summer smirked, putting on heels and slumped a small purse over her shoulder. "You guys ready?" She clicked on the knob but turned around to face Marissa and Taylor, as they heard car honks faintly in the background. 

"Yup, that must've been Seth and Ryan, come on." Marissa read over the text on her phone as she walked out of the room, with her entrees followed suit. Going down the stairs in their beautiful dresses and gowns for the evening, facing Seth and Ryan who were dressed in a suit already, waiting for them on the side of the car. 

"Wow you guys look," Ryan's eyes widened, he couldn't even finish his sentence as Marissa cut him off. 

"We know, we look awesome. So come on, less chitchat more driving," Marissa said, pulling into the passenger's seat, as Ryan went for the driver's seat. He started the engine and drove away. 

The car approached the building in which flashing lights and people came in Marissa's vision as she leaned forward to narrow her eyes to see that everyone was dressed fancy. Ryan pulled up at the lobby and stalked out of the car, throwing his keys to the valet guy as all of them followed behind him. Marissa came to Ryan's side, linking her arm in his. "You might've not come as my date, but let's just pretend we are." She whispered. 

Ryan didn't budge, smiling as both of them strutted down on the red carpets when cameras caught their way. Not that there was a lot as all of them tend to go for Summer as Marissa glanced over in her friend's direction, posing every five seconds, but her eyes caught an interesting sight before her. 

"Hey Ryan, isn't that Luke, and Taylor?" Marissa nudged Ryan and narrowed her eyes to make sure that she didn't see it wrong. 

"Oh yeah, wow Luke. It's been a while," Ryan trailed. 

"What is he doing here?" Marissa muttered, but soon enough she pulled Ryan away with her, walking over. "Hey Luke." She greeted as she approached Luke and Taylor. 

"Oh hi, Marissa." Luke pulled Marissa in an embrace, then broke away eyeing her up and down. "Wow you look good. It's been a while, how are you?" He asked.

"I've been good," Marissa said, looking away. "so, what were you talking about with Taylor?" She changed the subject, glancing at Taylor. 

"Oh nothing," Taylor was the one to reply. "we were just talking about how exciting it was to finally meet someone from high school and how I told him that I was crushing on him back in the day when he was still dating you. But no worries, it doesn't seem like he's into me like that." She added. 

Marissa nodded, shifting uncomfortably. "Well, come on let's go find Summer before the movie starts." 

"Glad you could finally come and join us, Sum," Marissa teased, as they were all huddled together inside the movie theater. 

"Yeah, hope that star aura doesn't get to your head because we all know what they say about actors." Taylor joked. 

"Luke! Hi, it's been so long," Summer dismissed the mockery from both girls and walked over to the one guy across from her to give him a hug. 

"I know, congrats on the movie." Luke commented. 

Seth wrapped his arm around Summmer's, pulling her closer. "Alright that's enough guys, come on let's go and find our seats." He instructed, walking over to the theater and find a seat. 

"You know, who knows that when we watched all those movies together as a group, we'd actually do it again but this time Summer's going to be starring in it?" Marissa started, plopping down on one of the seats as they approached. 

"Yeah, life's funny like that. What shall we do after this, go into the diner and talk about the movie, you know, making fun of Summer?" Taylor said. 

Summer glared, "Hey!" She shrieked. 

"I'm sorry, Sum, you know she's joking and we're very happy for you," Marissa rested her hand on Summer's shoulder, light shining on her eyes. "but she's got a point. What shall we do after this?" She asked, glancing over the others. 

Ryan shrugged. "Well I know what I'm not going to do tonight, doing my assignment cause my friend's now rich and famous that I don't even need college anymore," He remarked. 

Marissa slapped Ryan on the arm, earning her a glare. "Oh look at that funny guy is back. So glad to have you back, Ryan." She mused. 

"Ssshh, guys, movie's starting," Seth whispered, looking down on the rest of them. 

The movie started with a low-paced song humming in the background. All of them watched it intently as Marissa found her hand on top of Ryan's, but he didn't seem to mind. Summer's head was pressed down on Seth's shoulder, reddening her cheeks every once in a while when one of the friends saw her on screen and made a funny jokes regarding it. The story ended tragic with a positive twist to it as each person in the theater came out of the theater with tears welling up on their faces. 

"That movie was so good Sum, and I'm not just saying that because you're in it. You did so good," Marissa said, throwing popcorn into her mouth. 

"Thanks, and also for helping me make amends with my father. I saw him crying while watching too." Summer said. 

Marissa pulled Summer in an embrance, squeezing the girl. "Summer, that's very sweet," She said, pulling away and looked around to find a merchandise outlet across from her. Opening up her purse to find her wallet as she was about to walk over to the merchandise stand but her hand reached for an empty purse except for her phone. "wait guys I think I left my wallet in the theater, I'll be right back." 

Marissa didn't wait for the others to reply as she went back to the theater with a horrid look on her face. How could she have been so stupid to drop a wallet like that? It must have been her hormones from the pregnancy kicking in. As she told one of the workers about the wallet situation, she walked in when they let her back in. She was about to go up a flight of stairs but the sound of wailing stopped her and forced her to lean back down. 

Her head peeked and glanced up only to cover her mouth from screaming when she saw Luke going down on Taylor's throat with her hand up on his hair. 

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