Birthday Gift I

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Tenten went to Sakura's house that same day and was to come back on Monday after school. It was like this. Sometimes, Tenten went to her, other times, Sakura went to her.

At the moment, they were having a study session and Sakura noticed Tenten's panda hairpin.

"Tenny, your hairpin is so cute. Now tell me, where did you go to yesterday, huh?" The pinkette asked.

When Tenten looked like she didn't want to talk, Sakura decided to enter bullying mode.

"If you don't tell me now....."

Tenten noticed her fist and was weighing her options. Neji told her not to tell anyone but if she didn't tell Sakura, she was bound to be like all her alarm clocks.

"Fine I'll tell. Calm down."
"So it went like this. I went out on Saturday and ran into Kiba, Neji and Ino. Then...... "

She told her all that happened. There was no way she was going to tell Sakura about Neji's secret. He'll murder her!!

"NANI?!! I leave you alone for a few days and you end up going on a date?!!"

Tenten always wondered why people in middle school called Sakura a banshee. She finally found out first hand as her ears rang.

Sakura then stopped hyperventilating and had a thinking face on.

"I never thought Neji would help you out though. I guess he's pretty considerent...... Back to the matter, you're such a dummy. You had a golden opportunity, why didn't you use it?!"
"I just couldn't do it.... Why do you think I couldn't say anything to him for the last 3 years?! Everytime I see him, I feel like running out of the room." Tenten said as she flopped on Sakura's bed.
"Alright you dork, let's just go to bed, OK?!"
"I'm not a dork." She responded with a smile.

That night, Tenten was once again with her thoughts.

"But there's still a week left before his birthday. What should I give him..... That being said, what do I give others as gifts? I think I've only given Kura gifts, and each year..... I give her plushies. I suddenly wanna apologize to her. But she can't hate me for my boring gifts...."

               ~The Next Day~

"SHANNARO!!!!" Sakura cried out as she broke her 16,359th alarm clock.
"*Yawn* Good Friday Tenny."

Looking to her side, she saw Tenten with bags under her eyes and figured that she didn't sleep a wink.

"MMM.... Morning."

      ~Time skip to short break~

"Uh, Kura?"
"For someone's birthday.... What would be a nice gift?"
"For Kiba?" Sakura wondered. She had a way to find out.
"Well..... If it's for a boy.... Then...." Sakura said slyly and the blush on Tenten's face confirmed her thoughts.
"If he's a gentle boy, what about a wallet? A hand knit scarf would be nice too!!" Sakura suggested.
"EH? It's not even winter yet. But whatever I decide to get him will need money, so...."

With determination in her eyes, Tenten dashed to the snack shack and called out to sakura: "Kura, I've decided to eat only bread this week!! Go to class without me!!!"

Sakura pumped her fist in the air with pride.

"SHANAROOO!!!! Our little Tenny is finally growing up!!! Good luck!!!!"

At the shack, Tenten was about to buy the new cake that was introduced, but it cost 20 yen and it was on sale. Looks like no sweets will enter her mouth for a long time.

"Can I have a small cinnamon roll, please?" She asked the lady.
"Here you go. Don't drop it."
"Thank you."

What she did not expect was for an extra arm to manifest out of no where and grab her snack.

Looking back she saw that it was Neji, who had already eaten out of it.

"Hey what? Finders keepers, dearest."
"You, you....."

She was a little hurt and hungry, but a little thing in the back of her mind made her notice 2 things about Neji.

1) He called her dearest, and she involuntary blushed at that.
2) Neji looked like a chipmunk with his cheeks full of cinnamon roll and it was kinda.... Cute?!

All the while she was thinking, she didn't notice Neji buy her the cake till she heard rustling of wrap and looked up.

"Messing with you really is fun. Here you go, a reward for being a good sport!!" He said as he gave her the cake.

"Did he buy this just for me?!  No way!! What kind of person is he?! He's so unpredictable!!!"

From the distance, Sakura saw Neji with Tenten and realized he wasn't that bad at all. She then left to class.

As Neji and Tenten kept talking and teasing (in Neji's case), Ino appeared out of no where.

"Tenny! Neji! What a surprise to see you both here!!" Ino said.
"Ino? Your not taking a break?" Tenten asked.
"Nope! Too much work at STUCO (Student Council) that they need my help.

Neji just munched on his (Tenten's) cinnamon roll while watching Ino and Tenten.

"Say Tenny, have you thought of what to give Kiba for his birthday?!"
"Not yet..."
"I spent half the night preparing his gift. If you need any help, come to me and I'll give you some advice."

At the background, Neji wondered where the fairy lights from Ino's back appeared from.

"It's OK. Thanks anyways."
"No need to be polite. I'm back of now, bye!!"

And with that, Ino was gone.

"Just look at her go, you don't need her advice." Neji told her as they watched Ino's retreating figure.
"Yeah, you're right." Tenten replied as she opened the cake wrap.
".....So have you thought of anything for Zuka's birthday?"
"Not one. I've never given a boy a gift before."

And with that, she nibbled on her (Neji's) cake while crying anime tears.

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