CHAPTER 8 : The garrison

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" are you okay". Winston asked I'd been silent all day, the memories replaying in my head. I was in severe pain, I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream but I kept it in.

" I'm sorry sister Frank it won't happen again". I begged as tears streamed down my face . The other nuns held me down as the doctor came around.

" sister Frank please , I promise , please", I began screaming and crying  uncontrollably the rest felt like an out of body experience. When I woke up , every thing was a blur , I felt lightheaded and I was covered in blood a painful sensation radiating from my private part through out my body.

The older kids had called it getting "fixed" it had happened to some of the ones who she deemed unfit to produce. Sister Frank hated me wether it be because of color, or just my own existence. She'd beat me for any little thing, a lot of times I went hungry , the longest I went hungry was a week and a few days. She threatened anyone who would dare to help me. Or sneak me table scraps.

" are you okay?" Winston asked I looked up and it was Sister Franks face . I jumped back.

" your a bad girl and bad girls burn in hell". She yelled  I looked down and suddenly blood was flowing from my privates. I touched my inner thigh only to see the palms of my hand bloody.

" aaaaaah ". I screamed shooting up from my bed, I looked around my surroundings becoming familiar to me once more, not this, the last thingI need is to jump back into having night terrors, I hadn't had a dream like this since Eddy died.

I pushed the covers off me , it was morning . I had to get ready to help out at the kennel. I'd looked at the bag of dog treats I had purchased for a certain Shepards birthday. it was the little things like being with the dogs and the children and stopping by the bakery that made me feel almost normal. Like I wasn't ready to mentally breakdown at any given second , like I didn't have the pressure of the whole of small Heath on my back.

I had called off the meeting after the peakys had left , I'd plans to announce that we had a sponsor for our cause, but with recent events did anything matter. Those fucking bastards drew me into a corner. I took a deep breath , thinking about Rickys suggestion from last night, I'd spent the night contemplating before sleep took me.

" calm down Rose". Ricky said while I paced back and forth aggressively

" don't tell me to calm down , I'm bloody calm already". I said those damned peaky bastards . I had no idea they would play this kind of stunt, and to know that all this time they've known where all are meetings have taken place.

" just consider the offer this could mean oppertunity". He said

" Opportunity, don't tell me you actually believe a thing coming out their lying mugs ": I yelled in frustration, the mere notion was absurd.

" you misinterpret me Rose, this could be opportunity to take down the Shelby's from the inside , gather more information while we work to bring them closer to their demise , with the very opportunity they give us". Ricky explained I stopped pacing .

" I hadn't thought of it that way". I turned to face him engulfing him in a hug

" your a genius Ricardo ". I exclaimed

We'd  discussed everything in full and Ricky was to meet with one of the representatives for the sponser this afternoon, this very same afternoon I was to make my way to the garrison and take the Shelby's up on their offer.

I had a lot on my plate , not to mention Bex's birthday being tomorrow of all days . I had to stop by the Bakery right after my meeting with the Shelby's .

Heroine  - Arthur Shelby ( under editing)Where stories live. Discover now