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"Welcome to y/n's house

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"Welcome to y/n's house." Rosé said smiling 

"Wow it' s a black house... I love it!" Haechan squealed and ran to the front door.

"Sometimes I wonder if he is even a demon." Chenle said shaking his head

"Speak for your self you fucking dolphin" Haechan yelled.

Jennie POV
"Why black?"


"Why did she decide to paint the house black?" Jisung asked.

"Well you see she is a strange girl... she loves the color black," I chuckled remembering how much she actually loves the color "She actually tried to marry the color when we were young"

"Is it bad to love the color black?" I heard a voice asked behind me 

"No." I answered coldly

"I'm just kidding don't get so tense" Jaemin said laughing then teleporting to where Rosé Haechan and Chenle where

"Damn he reminds me of someone" yeji said as the rest of us teleported to where Rosé was


"He reminds me o-" 

"Unnie help me i can open the fucking door. Jezz why did she put teleportion drainers" Rosé said

"You know why she put them. The same reason no human can come near this house"

I opened the door and everyone got inside they took of there shoes and walked to the living room

"Wait what do you mean tHe sAme ReAsOn nO huMaN cAn CoMe nEar tHiS HoUsE" Renjun asked mocking me

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"Wait what do you mean tHe sAme ReAsOn nO huMaN cAn CoMe nEar tHiS HoUsE" Renjun asked mocking me

"First of all don't fucking mock me... Second... you know what fuck it ill tell you cause i doubt she is going to tell you."

"Unnie what are you doing Y/n is going to kill us" yuna told me calmly. But if i tell them y/n won't have to and Y/n is going to thank me later... I hope

"I know... when y/n was young she could not control her thirst for human blood. So she killed hundreds maybe even thousands of humans for it. When humans found out she was the one that killed those humans they thought she was some kind of serial killer. But soon enough human took a closer look at how all those humans were killed. They found out that she was a vampire they tried to kill her but since they have read stupid myths they couldn't. Until one freaking idiot that calls him a scientist started spying y/n. Y/n didn't know he was spying on h-"

"How did she not know he was a freaking human did she not smell his scent" jeno yelled

"I never said he was human." I snapped back

*silence* i cleared my throat 

"Shall i continue?" They nodded " ok as i was saying he is not human. He was a vampire and yes y/n sensed him for the first month or so after that he found out y/n could tell what breed you were if she sensed you. So he learn how to hide his scent. He found she was a the rarest hybrid... vampire- demon." All the dreamies gasped when i revealed her breed

"He asked her various times for her blood. She never gave it so he started to blackmail her. He told her that he would tell all the humans the only thing that killed her."

"The diamond knife. She is the killer hybrid that helped the king of demons when we were told of when we were younger right?" Jaemin asked

"Hmmm... she did give him the blood every week. And no one knew what the hell he did with it. But the day the royal demon family was attacked the demon royals were not the only ones inside her parents were inside too. She knew it was the day of the week when the vampire came for the blood but she decided to help them she gave them a little bit of her blood to the 6 of them. But when she returned to the human world the Vampire had told the humans what could kill her when she got home humans were there with diamond knifes. They almost killed her she got cut with it various times. She was almost dead until Mark came and fed her his blood. Since the incident she got witches to make a line so that human can not bother her anymore"

Author POV
"A line? what does the witches line do?" Jisung asked

"It kills human walk over it" Chenle explained

"Ohh-Wait how do you know that?"

"Jisung I have other friends than just you guys. Y/n and me have known each other since I remember are fathers are best friends" Chenle said smiling

"Wait where is jaemin"

"Wait where is jaemin"

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