Part 2 Characters

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Yoon Hyunwoo- August 10, 2000

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Yoon Hyunwoo- August 10, 2000

Yoon Hyunwoo- August 10, 2000

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Kang Ilsung- July 21, 2000

Lim Yujun- Feburary 25, 1999

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Lim Yujun- Feburary 25, 1999

Lim Yujun- Feburary 25, 1999

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Jang Harin- June 29, 1999

Jang Harin- June 29, 1999

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Ma Ara- June 3, 2000

Lee Haeun- April 6, 2004

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Lee Haeun- April 6, 2004

Lee Haeun- April 6, 2004

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So I decided that I wanted to a second part to this book so yeah

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So I decided that I wanted to a second part to this book so yeah

These are all new characters that are going to be important in this part that have not been mentioned before remember that Y/n is now in the human world

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