izuku was a happy little child.
keyword "WAS" as soon as he turned four he was deklert quirkless and abused by his parents who sold him to the villains when he turned five.
the villains torture him til he was sicks were he escaped and ran into a f...
it's been two weeks since Izuku came to us and he is starting to be really hard to control I know it sound like he is some kind of pet whit no mind of his own but lately he is starting to misbehave more often then not and we can't figure out why and if this continue we will have problems whit him at school so we got to figure out why he is so bad right now.
hey zashi can we talk about what izuku did this week I'm kind of starting to worry that he is not comfortable around us at all.
well he turns in to his wolf forms and he uses his other quirks to set the kitchen on fire or to put that weird drown liquid everywhere, zashi said.
what drown liquid are you talking about. I asked as I stand up to get myself some coffee, but then I steeped into some thing wherry hot and wet so I jumped up and to the side so it would stop hurting my foot which is now burnt because of that weird liquid.
that was what I was talking about. zashi said.
so I did every thing a normal person would do I started to clean it up that is until I see a trail of this weird liquid go to Izuku's room so me and zashi went there once we enter his room we saw that he was in the bathroom so we went there and look what we find or son swirling a cup in the air and then empty it in the sink and then do that all over again.
hey little listener what are you doing, zashi ask.
waiting for my weird quirk to stop, our son answers.
what do you mean by waiting for it to stop. I asked a little concerns.
well you know about most of my quirks, heart beat, elemental wolf, invisibility, shadow walk, high sense, telepathy, animal speak, and heal but I got one more but I don't know what it is or how it works I just know that it's a brown liquid like the one you drink and that it sometimes it hot as boiling water and other times freezing cold. he said and once he said that I knew we had to go to recovery girl to see what his last quirk is lucky us that school starts in tree day and that we can go then and get it analyst so we can help him control it.
time skip 3 days later
we where sitting in our car driving to UA once we got there nezu was waiting for us whit Izuku's wolves as soon as izuku saw the wolves he jumped out of the car and ran to them in his normal wolf form. it was pretty cute but don't tell anyone, I have a reputation to uphold as the heartless and scary teacher.
after about half an hour we called izuku so we could go to recovery girl to see what his last quirk is we already called her and told her the situation over the phone so as soon as we got there she did a complete check up on izuku.
so I know what izuku's last quirk is and I think it's pretty funny his last quirk is called coffee and as you may already have guest it means that he can make coffee out of thin air. but I must warn you if a normal person who is not you shota would try and drink it they would probably die from a caffeine over dose. so hizashi hands of your sons coffee. recovery girl said
okay so izuku could kill people by giving them coffee. zashi asked.
yes he can but once he learns control he can control how much caffeine there comes in to the drink. recovery girl said.
ok well guess we can go now and teach our classes now so izuku you can go out and play whit Yuri and Yuki okay. I said.
ok shota. izuku said and then he jumped out of the window giving us all a heart attack.
god i hate when he does that, said zashi.
yeah I can see why but to a new topic he still doesn't call you dad or papa even after he spent two weeks whit you to.
no but I guess he needs more time to get used to all the things that is going on after all in those two weeks he didn't see his wolf friends and I think that is one of the reasons why he lost control over his quirk. I said.
that would make sense since he was practically raised by the wolves and you promised him that he could see them his loss of control could have meant that he started to believe that you lied to him. recovery girl said.
well in the next holiday we make sure to come by and let him meet his friends. zashi said.
well time for us to teach class. I said as i got up to leave for my class after my class was over I went to the teacher lounge just to see my son sleep together whit the wolves and I was the first one here so i could actually smile when i saw the without everyone making a fuss about it, but that didn't lass long two minuets later power loader slams the door open with snipe behind him, but of course the loud bang woke up all three, and the wolves started to growl at them. as an reaction izuku turned into his fire wolf and started to growl as well all that happen in a total of six seconds. as soon as the to teachers saw the wolves snipe took out his gun to shoot so i did what I had to do and used my capture gear to tie them up.
what the hell aizawa let us free w have to get the wolves before they become a treat to the school and the children. snipe yelled.
I didn't even react all I did was turn around and say. enough izuku my son please calm your friends down it was only the door that was slammed open nothing to be afraid of except maybe snipes guns. and right after I said that izuku turned human again and I let go of snipe and power loader. the wolves also calmed them self down once they saw izuku in his human form.
what the hell aizawa what is the meaning of this since when do you have a son and whats is whit the other two kids, why are they not turning back. snipe yelled.
calm down snipe so first the kid is the one who stole all those thing at the pussycats place. second I adopted him orders from nezu, third no i do not regret it, four the other to are not human they are normal wild wolves and five they only growled because you scared them awake from there slumber. any more questions or can I go back to work.
just one, why the hell are the wolves here and why did the kid steal the pussycats things. power loader said.
ok that were two questions and i will answer them once everybody is here. I said and i did once everyone was there. I told them everything izuku told us in the forest and at the camp, why the wolves were here and that our goal is to find his biological sibling to make sure that their are okay and to make sure that his parents go to prison for what they did. everyone agreed to help whit the case. and after work was over we all went home while the wolves stayed whit nezu.
next day we came to school again we started to teach some things to izuku, izuku played whit the wolves, me and the teachers try to find his parents and this continued for the next two years til something unexpected happened
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