(just imagine that his hair is black and that his right eye is blue and the other yellow)
Izuku pov.
to day is the entrance exam for ua high school and I'm a little nerves because I got a little problem with my quirks, I can control them perfectly but I don't know which one to use I think I go with elemental wolf or shadow walk maybe I could combine my to quirks and become a shadow wolf and that is a I don't know I just activated my shadow quirk and then my wolf quirk and I don't know if anything happened.
never mind I think something happened.
dad, papa there is a monster in Izu-nii's room help. my sister screamed and let me tell you she got some lung volume god she can scream I think she blew my ear brooms.
one second I got two worried and mad parents in my room dad used his quirk on me to see if it really was me and what can I say I was know on all four on the ground in human form naked not that I cared since I grew up in a forest I only where minimal clothing because I don't like the feeling of clothe on me so a per of underwear, shorts and a t-shirt I would go whiteout one if it weren't for the words.
what in the name of nezu were you trying to do izuku you scared the living live out of us, my papa said.
sorry papa, dad and Eri I just didn't know witch quirk I wanted to use between wolf and shadow so I tried to combine them and well I couldn't see if anything happened and the Eri came in and screamed, so I take it I looked scary and that it worked. I told them while standing up and put some underwear on sine my parents don't want me to go around naked in the house and I always wear some kind of shirt since I don't like people seeing those words, the only people who have seen my scars are my family and the teachers of ua.
well you were a black wolf with red eyes so I think you made it but please don't use that at the exam I think you would scare to many of the kids. dad said so we agreed that I would just use my wolf quirk and I'm taking the normal exam since I am going to go to the school whether I'm taking the exam or not but I don't think it would be fear if I cot into the school whiteout taking the exam so we agreed that I would take take to normal exam and get in that if I get points or not is up to me but it gives me a chance analyze the new quirks I see up close.
after a little breakfast me and my family went to the exam eri came with us as well since she just like me is getting taught by nezu.
as I was sitting in the written nothing really happened but after it did I was having one of my mumbling moments while papa was explaining the the practical exam when a kid whit glasses and weird hand movements rudely interrupted my papa and called me out for mumbling witch I did not like at all I hate attention and try to stay out of it unless its from my parents.
after that not much happened we were going to the bus that would bring us to our practical exam once we were there and the gates to the fake city started to open I ran in and found my self some robots to destroy when the ground started to shake I knew it was the zero pointer so I went into a shadow to not get tram pelt by a hoard of scared kids when I suddenly heard a yell for help when I looked around I saw I girl trapped under some ruble from a building and of course she was in the path of the zero pointer so I ran over to her of course still in the shadows once I was at her site I turned into my nature wolf since the wolf was bigger than the normal but still small since I'm only a teen, I used my ability's to lift the ruble with plans and wines once she was free I pulled her into the shadows and brought her to a save place. once there I gave her to recovery girl or grandma nana how me and my sister call her. after that I left even after the girl called out for me to stop I didn't I just ran to my parents in the teachers room.
time skip.
it has been a week since I was at the exam I'm at school right now playing whit the wolves and my sister we are here almost every day because I don't like that the wolves are alone so our parents are trying to get a little more space into our house so they can stay whit us over the holidays and weekends. since we have a big garden it shouldn't be a problem. school stars in a week and I'm a little nerves but I'm in dad's class so I know I be fine and my wolves are aloud to stay whit me at all times as long as I'm at school but in PE class they have to stay at the side lines same with hero training at school.
time skip.
first day of school here I come. I know I will have to be careful when I get there because I am only dressed whit minimal of clothes that I need to wear in my case a long sleeve shirt, underwear and shorts that stop a little above the knee. No I don't have shoes they are uncomfortable and as I walked to the class I could hear a per of voices fight one telling the other to take there shoes of the table because it was disrespectful to the other who used the table before. when I opened the I saw the kid who called me out at the exam when he looked at me he started yelling something but I didn't listen the boy he was fighting whit looked familiar.

my own problem child
Fanfictionizuku was a happy little child. keyword "WAS" as soon as he turned four he was deklert quirkless and abused by his parents who sold him to the villains when he turned five. the villains torture him til he was sicks were he escaped and ran into a f...