part 29 baht wiht wolf and aizawa.

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Aizawa pov

After my son told me about what his classmates planed to do, I told my son to be ready to take a bath as a wolf. After that I went to the girls to talk to them.

hey girls I would like to ask you to take my daughter with you to the hot springs, since it would be rather inapropriete to take whit me to the mans side. I told them.

oh of course we will but we need to tell you something the boys planed for to night. mina said

you mean the plan about not letting izuku in to the baht don't worry I got that covert. I told them.  

ok well then me and the girls will take eri with us and you will make sure that izuku can come into the  baht, momo said

good I leave eri whit you then. I said while walking away.

after my talk to the girls I went to get my self a towel and four or more for izuku so we can dry him of like man he has a lot of fur and I mean a lot. well as I was getting the towels todoroki came over to me.

hey mister aizawa I need to talk to you it's about what the boys are planing to do whit izuku. todoroki said.

let me gues lock him out of the baht so he will get a scoulding don't worry he was the and listent to there conversatoin he already told me about that.

yeah well that is not the only thing they are planing to do they were also planing on locking him out of the bedroom that he is shearing whit kirishima, kaminari, and iida and all the other boys agread to not let him sleep in there room and you said that if anyone was still out of there room.

ok todoroki let me stop you there my son would not wait that long to get into a room he would come to me right away and sleep in my room all I said was that I didn't want to see you in the hals not that you were to be in your rooms my son loves to use my little loop hools to get what he wants our needs in this case but thanks for telling me. i told todoroki.

then I told him to get ready for the baht and told him that izuku will be a wolf in the baht.

izuku pov

after my talk whit dad I went to my room to get my towel when I heard kaminari say that he is happy that they were planing to lock me out of our room so I waited a little bit and then opened the door to see kaminari, kirishima, and iida glaring at me but i just went strait to my back and took it whit me to my dad's room and laid it under his bed then I went to the one classroom that was in the bilding and waited for my fahter to come and get me for my baht.

it didn't take loong till he came to get me and I turned into a wolf walking along side him to get to the hot springs once we wre in front aizawa tried to open the door but it was loocked so he knocked and said.

ok who loocked the door.

aizawa sensai is that you I could hear one of the boys ask.

yes now open the door before I expell you for putting your classmates in danger.

it didn't take loong and the door was open and we walked in, I took a running start and jumped into the water and then pattelt to the edge so i could get back onto dry land.

sensai why is there a wolf in the springs it is wery filfy. said iida

iida have you loocked in to a mirror lattly the only filfy thig around here are you boys now let me was the wolf while you thing about a way to write me an essay on why you thing bullieng others is okey the same goes for every one of you except todoroki since he told me about you guys so called great plans.

oh and a nother thing boys you don't have to worry about izuku for much longer he will be staying whit me so you don start to make any more stupid ideas about locking him out or in places am I under stod.

yes sensai good and once this trip is over it will be hell for you just so you can prepare yourself a little.

alone from all that I could hear that dad was pissed and that was never a good sign.
after that every one loocked angry and my dad saw that to so he thoung about asking them why.

ok boys wh are you angry do feel like im treating you unfear. my dad asked.

yes sensai its izukus own foult for he is behaving like a brat and you seem to alow it, its not faer that he gets special treatment for his bad behaivour. iida said
its like his perant never teachet him how to behave.

let me tell you something iida izuku does behave him self you on the other hand do not you loocke out you bullie him because you thing that it is unfaer that he was aboused, turtured, abandont and raised by animals well then im sorry to say but the world is not faer and he learned that at the age of four and it took us days to get him out of these forrest so again am sorry that he is happy to see the animals that raist him sorry that he is happy to be at a place he called home for over to years after he ecaped turture iida. im sorry but the world is not faer and you better learn that as fast as possible because I can't proteck you from the truht. dad said.

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