aizawa pov.
please girls keep the stuff you just heard a secret I don't need him worried about something that is out of his control.
what do you mean. asked momo
well he things it is his fault that he got those scars and he hates them for good reason but he has a habit of hiding away from people when he is worried and is almost impossible to find him when he is in that stead of mind.
ok we keep it a secret but what will we tell our teacher when he doesn't come to class. asked ochaco
don't worry about that all the teachers know about his past and also know that he feels most comfortable when he is away from humans.
and whit that the girls went to there next class and to there surprise was izuku already sitting there.
izuku pov
I ran into the woods on campus but only so I could run around the training field and to class of course my wolves ran whit me. once I came to class all the boys were there and looking at me whit a hatting look but I couldn't care less I know what the real world is like so nothing really surprised me anymore. i learned that some people will hurt you some will love you some try to break you some will be kind and caring some won't. but most important thing I learned is to not judge a book by it's cover.
It didn't take long for the girls to come back and soon after came our teacher my papa present mic.
ok class today's lesson will be spent on getting to know each other so tell us your name and quirk and something you like.
ok I start my name is ashido mina just call my mina my quirk is called acid and I like to dance.
my name is aoyama my quirk is navel laser and i like sparkling
and so on til we reach bakugo
the name is katsuki bakugo my quirk is explosion and I like music.
name is izuku my quirk is called shadow walk and I like to be left alone.
I said in the most bored tone you could think of after that I stood up and walked out off class and walked to the forest to clear my mind I forgot about him how could I forget about him katsuki bakugo my once childhood friend and bully how could I forget about him I once had a crush on him not anymore and that made me think I sure nobody knew about my hobby that is singing not even my parents my little sister knew but that is everybody. so I started to make some lyrics about how I felt my for him once was and to be honest back then it was a losing game so I called the song arcade since that is a place where you play games and almost always lose.
nobody pov
after izuku walked out off class many of the boys asked why he was allowed to when nobody else was and became angry when mic said that it was in izuku's place to tell and not his.
that is not fear if he is allowed to do that he wants then we should be to there is good explanation for why we should stick to the rules if he doesn't have to it came from sero.
its supper unmanly to do what that izuku guy is doing. kirishima said
well at least we can agree to that but we can't do anything against his behavior except maybe avoid him and and refuse to work with him. said sato
the girls staid out off the conversation since they new why he was that way and they thought that it was stupid of the boys to just judge him whiteout knowing him.
and so days went on each and every day the boys would avoid izuku not that it bothered him much maybe a little bit when he tried talking to them and ask them questions if they could start over of course he never got the chance to ask anything because they always walk away when he comes near them so he just gave up trying to get close to them now he just waits for them to let him explain when they are ready.
izuku pov
we have been to school for almost one week and I can't explain my self so now I'm walking over to the girls to ask them if I could sit whit them.
hey girls could I sit whit you today at lunch.
of course you can izuku, let me guess the boys still avoid you. momo asked
I just nodded my head.
when lunch came I sat whit the girls my two wolves came whit us as well.
oh by the way izuku I wanted to ask why do you always take your dog to school whit you. mina asked my wolves growled at her for that but I calmed them down.
mina there not dogs there wolves from my pack from the time where I still lived in the forest where aizawa found me. I said
oh okay why do you always call aizawa by his name i thought he was your father. momo asked
he is my dad but we don't want the hole school to know so we agreed on that I would call him by name same with my papa uncle's and aunt. that work here. and whit that lunch was over and another day went by.

my own problem child
Fanfictionizuku was a happy little child. keyword "WAS" as soon as he turned four he was deklert quirkless and abused by his parents who sold him to the villains when he turned five. the villains torture him til he was sicks were he escaped and ran into a f...