izuku pov
After that man yelled at me and my friends ran out of pure instinct but of course the two men had to notice so now they are hunting us. I don't know who they are but they are fast that is for sure but me and my friends are faster. Once we thought that we lost them we stopped running which was a dad move. The next thing I know is me and my friend are in some kind of fabric that is pressing us together and it hurts so I let out a whimper and my friends did the same. Soon after the two men stepped out of the bushes once they saw us, the black haired man set us free, that is until he saw my jacked.
aizawa pov
me and mic followed the thing that was in the forest til they stopt. Once they did I used my capture gear and trapped them together but when I saw that I captured wolves I sat them free but as soon as i did I could see that one of them had a jacked of some sort and what kind of wolf wears a jacket.
Hey hizashi nince when do wolves wear jackets, I asked.
well normally they don't but then again we had suspicions about an animal with a quirk so it could be the one we are looking for. hizashi said.
So do we take him with us or are we gonna call the others? I asked because I did not want him to escape again.
him? shota how can you be sure that that wolf is a boy it could be a girl for all we know and I think it would be best if we call the others I don't want it to escape and run after them again. Once hizashi finished that sentence we looked over to the wolves again only to see that the other two had run away or that's what I thought til hizashi screamed like a girl with his quirk activated, and the next thing i know is am on my knees with a wolf biting my shoulder. After a few seconds it let go and ran the same with the wolf that bit hizashi's leg, we looked in the direction they ran off too to see three wolves. I looked at my captured weapon to see that the wolf that it held was gone.
nezu pov
we were all getting worried about the eraser and mic and that worry proved to be right fully placed. we all heard a scream and it was mic and we all knew it no other human can make that height of a sound no matter what type of support items they may have. we all started to move to the place from where we hear the scream and abou six kilometers out we found them bleeding badly,
what happened hear, I asked,
at the beginning we thought we found something we heard a voice and then something started running so we wolloft it only to find wolves, so I sat them free again when I noticed that one of them had a red jacket like thing on so I captured that wolf again but we forgot about the other two wolves and it seems that they attacked us to save the other wolf. Aizawa said.
that is strange normally wolves would not let a wolf that is to differend stay in the pack. but the fact that that wolf was wearing a jacket makes it possible that that wolf had a quirk. I said thinking about any possible way for me to explain how that wolf was not thrown out of its pack.
mandalay is there a wolf pack near this part of the forest where we are right now. I asked
well yes and no there is a wolf pack around seven to eight km away from the house but how far it is away from here could be anyone's guess but tell me which direction the wolves ran into that could tell us a lot if we have a map.
they went into that direction shota said while pointing.
ok that would be in the direction of the pack mandalay said and the others agreed.
should we follow that lead or wait till tomorrow. Asked Midnight.
we will wait til tomorrow.
After that we help Aizawa and Yadama back to the camp to fix them up again.
tomorrow would be a long day i could just feel it and i was excited to finally meet someone as smart as me, I know you were expecting me to say someone just like me but I am eighty seven percent sure that the wolf is a human with a transformation quirk the last thirteen percent are me daunting that a wolf pack would expect a human into their pack.

my own problem child
Fanfictionizuku was a happy little child. keyword "WAS" as soon as he turned four he was deklert quirkless and abused by his parents who sold him to the villains when he turned five. the villains torture him til he was sicks were he escaped and ran into a f...