Chapter Ten - Rest & Resolutions

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Outside the house that they were staying, Katooni was mediating on the Force. In the days after setting up refuge, she began training Oscar in combat to prepare him for the conflict that was heading their way. As Katooni was meditating, she felt a familiar presence standing before her. She opened her eyes and stood up. To her shock, she saw Petro, Gungi, Byph and Huyang along with Yang and Weiss. 

Katooni: P...Petro. 

Petro: Hey, Katooni. Long time no see. 

Without a moment's hesitation, Katooni hugged Petro with tears in her eyes. Petro simply smiled as he returned the hug. 

Petro: Guess you missed me, huh?

Gungi: <How are things on your end, Katooni? How is Ruby and the others?>

Katooni: They're...they're doing well, Gungi. We...we ran into some trouble on the road.

Byph: What kind of trouble?

Katooni: We...we should probably discuss this inside. 

As Katooni led the others inside the house, Yang and Weiss shared a heartfelt reunion with Ruby. The remaining members of Team JNPR were happy to see Yang and Weiss as well as the other members of the Kybuck Clan. Afterwards, they began sharing stories of what had happened to them in their separate journeys. Katooni soon told Petro and the others about how she was nearly killed by Mordred. Petro was outraged by this. 

Petro: What?! That bastard almost killed you?!

Katooni: I...I was able to unlock the ability to heal wounds with the Force. 

Huyang: It seems to me that you have gained access Force Heal, Katooni. Very few Jedi in recent memory have unlocked this power. 

Katooni: I can see why. Healing my wounds took a lot out of me. 

Gungi: <I still can't believe Mordred is working with Darth Jadus!>

Katooni: I couldn't believe it either, but it's the truth. I can only assume that the rest of Team SHDW is in league with him as well. 

Petro clutched his fists in anger as he recalled feeling a disturbance in the Force while he was rescuing Weiss. To hear that Katooni nearly died angered him greatly. The mood was soon changed when Yang pulled a trick on Nora by detaching her robotic arm during an arm wrestling match. This lighten up the mood in the room. 

Petro: I see losing your arm hasn't changed your mood, Yang. 

Yang: Let's just say I had some time to think over what happened to Beacon. But I think it's time you came clean, Petro. What did my Mom mean back there when she said you know about Ozpin?

At that point, Petro sighed. He then told Yang about their identity as Jedi as well as the fact that they were in fact not from Remnant along with the events of Order 66. Yang was skeptical to believe this, but everyone else confirmed the truth. As the truth was revealed, Yang turned to Oscar who Ozpin had taken control of. 

Yang: So you've been lying to us this whole time?

Ozpin: My ability to reincarnate, though a curse, isn't without a few key benefits. Much like the Maidens, I too possess a certain..."magical" power. Using this power, I was able to gift the Branwen twins the ability to "see" more, to move freely and be unburdened by their natural bodies. I... well... gave them the ability to turn into birds. Rather ridiculous sounding out loud, isn't it?

Petro: The Force sounds ridiculous when told to people who've never heard of it before, yet it does. 

Yang: Why would you do something like that? I mean, what is wrong with you?

Qrow: Yang, that's enough! We made a choice. We wanted this.

Katooni: I understand your feelings, Yang. You have every right to be angry at Ozpin and us for keeping this from all of you. Before we arrived on Remnant, we had nothing. No home. No family. Nothing. We were on the run and being hunted for reasons we still don't know. 

Ozpin: I kept their...identities a secret out of respect. It was not my place to reveal their true origins. 

Ruby: Okay, so, have you done this with others? Like General Ironwood? Or Professor Goodwitch?

Ozpin: As helpful as that might be, unfortunately, it is not that simple. My power is finite, and if I'm being honest, dwindling. The amount that I gifted to Qrow and Raven was, all things considered, rather miniscule. You see, centuries ago, I sacrificed a great deal of magic to four young women, who I hoped would use my gift for good. They were the first Maidens. Miss Xiao Long, it was never my intention to lie to you. To any of you. There are just some matters that I prefer to... "play close to the chest". I believe that's how you phrased it?

Qrow nods as Katooni spoke to the others. 

Katooni: We all know what's out there. Salem and Darth Jadus are working together. It's clear they have agents working for them. That's why we need to stick together. All of us. None of us cannot fight this fight alone. 

Huyang: Well said, young Katooni. 

One by one, everyone in the room chose to remain on the journey they have been tasked with. The trust between the Jedi and the Huntsmen remained strong. 

Ozpin: The road ahead is undoubtedly filled with hardships and peril. However, it's been far too long since you have all been together. Please, take tonight, enjoy this moment.

In that moment, everyone found the resolve to keep going. They would take the night to enjoy each other's companies. But that bliss would be short lived as the forces of evil had begun setting in motion their plan to attack Haven. 

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