Chapter Twelve - Battle Of Menagerie

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After their fight with Deimos and Phobos, Zatt and Ganodi rushed over to the Belladonna Household to find it besieged by the White Fang.

Ganodi: We're too late!

Zatt: It looks like the fighting's fierce. That means they must be fighting back!

Ganodi: Then we need to help!

With that, Zatt and Ganodi readied their Lightsabers and rushed inside the Belladonna Household. Once inside, they are attacked by a squadron of White Fang troopers led by Trifa.

Trifa: Fan out! Search for the traitor!

Zatt: You're invasion stops here!

Without hesitation, Trifa gave the other to attack Zatt and Ganodi. Though they were outnumbered, Zatt and Ganodi held their ground. Zatt rushed at a group of White Fang soldiers. He severed one's arm and threw his Lightsaber at another's chest. He then used the Force to pull his Lightsaber out of his chest as he hit the ground. Ganodi began utilizing the wide, sweeping motions of Shii-Cho to cut down several White Fang soldiers. As she cleared the group, Trifa shoots webs from her palms and grabs Ganodi's Lightsaber. As Trifa pulls on the web, Ganodi maintained a strong grip on her weapon. Trifa changes her tactics and decides to pull Ganodi towards her. The two then struggled for the weapon.

Trifa: You cannot stop the revolution! The Faunus will triumph over the humans!

Ganodi: Not if we have anything to say about it!

Ganodi then redirected her Lightsaber to sever both of Trifa's hands. Trifa screamed in pain as she collapsed to the ground. As Ganodi removed the webbing from her Lightsaber, Zatt regrouped with her.

Zatt: Are you okay?

Ganodi: I'll be fine. We should keep going.

Zatt and Ganodi then navigating through the ruins of the house. They eventually made it to the main hall where Kali and a group of Menagerie Guard were fending off against a wave of White Fang soldiers. Zatt and Ganodi rushed to Kali's aid.

Ganodi: Sorry for the delay! We ran into some uninvited guests!

Zatt: Ganodi! I'll go search for Blake's dad! You stay here and protect Blake's mom!

Ganodi: Got it! Be careful!

With that, Zatt began searching for Ghira. Meanwhile, Ghira fought Corsac and Fennec in his office.

Ghira: How dare you invade my home?! How dare you threaten my family?!

Ghira tossed Corsac and Fennec around as if they were ragdolls. During the fight, Fennec manages to stab Ghira in the back. Ghira howls in pain as he grabs Fennec and throws him against the wall. As Ghira continues to fight Corsac, Fennec slowly gets up and aims his weapon at Ghira.

Fennec: For the White Fang...

Before Fennec could take the shot, his attention fell to a charging Zatt. Fennec turns around and begins shooting at Zatt. Zatt manages to deflect the bullets. Once Zatt got close, he cut Fennec's gun in half and follow up with a swift decapitation. Corsac witnesses this and calls out to his brother.


Corsac then takes aim with his pistol and attempts to shoot Zatt, but Ghira grabs Corsac and knocks him out.

Zatt: Are you okay?

Ghira: I'll be fine. What of my family?

Zatt: Ganodi is with your wife. I don't know where Blake is.

With that, Zatt and Ganodi continued fighting the White Fang alongside the Belladonnas. During the fight, Blake was able to convince Ilia to abandon the White Fang and join her. With Ilia's defection, they were able to turn the tide of the battle. As the last of the White Fang members were taken down, Corsac looks to Ilia with anger in his eyes.

Corsac: What have you done? You ruined everything...EVERYTHING!

Meanwhile outside the Belladonna Household, Saber Rodentia: Captain of the Menagerie Guard and a group of guards had taken down a group of White Fang members while another group addresses a large crowd of Faunus.

Guard: Back! Everyone, stay back! We've got people inside doing their best.

Faunus: Look!

All attention soon fell to the entrance of the Belladonna Household. Ghira walks out carrying the motionless bodies of a White Fang soldier and a Menagerie Guard on each of his shoulders. Following him was Kali as well as Blake, Sun and Ilia. Zatt and Ganodi also followed. After ordering his men to search the household for any stragglers, Saber approaches Ghira.

Saber: We came as soon as we got the call. And Fennec?

Ghira nods his head sadly, making it clear that Fennec was killed in the attack. He then approaches the restrained Corsac.

Saber: Was it worth it?

Corsac says nothing as Blake walks over to address the confused crowd.

Blake: Humans didn't do this. We did this: Faunus. We did this to ourselves. We are just as capable of hate and violence as the humans, but I don't think any of us would jump at the chance to point that out. So why are we letting Adam do it for us?! By doing nothing and staying silent, we let others speak and act in our place. And if we're not proud of the choices they make, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. This is the message that Adam Taurus will bring to the world if no one stops him. But we can stop him! You have to understand that all of you are looking for simple answers to a very complicated problem. And I can't give that to you. I don't know how to make hate go away, I don't. But I know that this kind of violence is not the solution. I understand that to ask you to leave your homes and protect Haven Academy is asking you to put your lives at risk. But that's what's at stake. So I'm going, and I'll stand by myself if I have to.

Ilia: I'll stand with you! If...if you'd have me.

Zatt: As will I.

Ganodi: We are ready to fight with you for a better future.

In that moment, the Faunus of Menagerie had united under a cause. It was a cause that sought peace rather than revenge. Inspired by Blake, they would join her in the fight to protect Haven Academy from the dangers that sought to destroy it.

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