Chapter Twenty - Darkness Rising

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As both the Kybuck Clan and Ruby's group strengthened their resolve, Darth Jadus made his way to the Sith Temple on Vale to reflect on what had transpired at Haven. While he failed to convert Katooni to the Dark Side, Darth Jadus had gained invaluable knowledge on Katooni's power. As he took this moment to meditate on the Dark Side, Team SHDW approached him and knelt before him. 

Mordred: My lord. 

Darth Jadus: Everything is moving as I have foreseen it. 

Mordred: But our enemies have the Relic and Haven Academy still stands.

Darth Jadus: Those are acceptable losses. Let the Jedi and Salem fight over the Relic. I have gained a far more valuable prize. 

Darth Jadus then presents a strange looking metallic spear. It bore strange markings that were similar to the temple Darth Jadus had brought them to.

Mordred: What is this, my lord?

Darth Jadus: A relic of a bygone era that existed long before the Jedi and Sith. I can feel a mystical essence from this blade. It the same essence that I sensed in Salem

It was clear to Team SHDW that this spear was no ordinary weapon. It seemed to be somehow connected to Salem by some unknown means. Darth Jadus saw potential in this spear.

Darth Jadus: Whatever this spear is, it may prove useful to us in our endeavors. For now, the spear shall remain by my side.

Darth Jadus looked upon the spear with great interest. In this spear, he saw something he could use against Salem when the time comes.

Darth Jadus: Mordred. What is the status of Adam Taurus and the White Fang?

Mordred: Adam Taurus suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Belladonna girl. Salem's allies abandoned him.

Darth Jadus: Perhaps this is an opportunity to recruit Adam Taurus and the White Fang. Their ability to inflict terror and chaos will prove useful in our endeavors.

Mordred: It won't be easy, Lord Jadus. Adam Taurus had a burning hatred for humans. Not only that, his humiliating defeat will no doubt create division within the White Fang.

Darth Jadus: I have dealt with many organizations like the White Fang. They are driven by an ideology and are willing to go to extremes in the name of that ideology. All they need is the proper guidance and hand to guide them to where they need to go. Adam Taurus can be a powerful ally if properly handled. I shall see to this personally. As for you, I have assignments for you all. Circe. You will got to Atlas and find the Winter Maiden. Once you find her, you will monitor her. When the time is right, a new Winter Maiden shall rise. 

Circe: You honor me, Lord Jadus. I will see that your will be done. 

With that, Circe used her magic to teleport herself out of the temple to fulfil Darth Jadus's will. As Circe left, Darth Jadus turned to Mordred and the rest of Team SHDW. 

Darth Jadus: Mordred, you will take the rest of Team SHDW to Argus. Affairs are moving quickly and we must ensure no other surprises await us. There are those in Argus who may present complications to my future plans. You will eliminate these threats. 

Mordred: As you decree, Lord Jadus. 

As Mordred and the rest of Team SHDW prepared to leave, Darth Jadus stops them to offer them a warning. 

Darth Jadus: The Jedi have proven more powerful than I anticipated. But there is something about them that has caught my interest. They are younglings without masters. Ever since I was freed from my carbonite prison, the presence of the Jedi seems....faint. As if their light had gone from the Galaxy. Do not underestimate these Jedi. As powerful as you all may be, the Force is power incarnate. There is neither time nor opportunity for mistakes. Now go and see to it that will be done. 

With that, Mordred and the rest of Team SHDW took their master's words into consideration and left his chambers. As they left, Mordred spoke with his teammates. 

Deimos: These Jedi could pose a problem to our master. We should kill them. 

Mordred: We will do no such thing. Lord Jadus has plans for them. As the Hands of Jadus, we follow his will without question. 

Grendel: Lord Jadus's interest is in the girl. Surely the others are expendable. 

Mordred: We will make no move on the Jedi unless authorized by Darth Jadus himself. Our priority is to eliminate the threat in Argus. If the Jedi wish to stand in our way, then they will be dealt with without lethal force. 

As Mordred made himself clear, Team SHDW began making their way to Argus. When he is left alone, Darth Jadus began to meditate on the Dark Side. He takes the time to reflect on all that has transpired up until this point. He took great interest in the Jedi of the Kybuck Clan. He saw potential in them, especially Katooni. 

Darth Jadus: What will you do when the darkness rises, Jedi? What will you do?

After meditating, Darth Jadus exits the temple to continue fulfil his own plans while still feigning allegiance to Salem. As he moved to further his goals, Darth Jadus would keep tabs on the Kybuck Clan. He saw them as both potential acolytes and enemies. As the darkness was rising, Darth Jadus moved forward with his plans for Remnant. 

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