Chapter 16

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Naruto's pov

  I joined everyone out of the car. Gaara put his arm around my shoulder as we walked into the school. We began chatting about math and other things that popped in our head as the others followed behind. I couldn't help but glance to the side when Kiba ran over to the girl with beautiful soft royal blue hair. Hinata the girl who was in love with me is dating the boy I'm pretty sure I'm in love with... Maybe. Like I said I'm not gay.

  She kissed him and I just had to look away. I was jealous of her or maybe of the fact I wasn't sure how I felt. What am I gonna do? I have no idea how I feel! Maybe I should just shift up and carry on through high school like before... Before this fucking dream that confuses me. Everything will go back to normal in my head and I'll stop looking at one of my best friends like a long lost lover which he isn't.

  I began the long walk to homeroom with Shikamaru and Choji when the bell rung. My siblings went another way to their own homeroom classes on the other side of the school. I say long but with the rush you gotta go slow so it just feels long. So many terms pushing through too get there on time or get to the stairwell to make out with their temporary girlfriends/boyfriends. I say temporary cuz they never seem to last long or it's just a one time thing.

  We walked into our classroom and took the seats in the back we claimed at the beginning of the year. Shikamaru sat by me and Choji by him. Then it would be Kiba by me. On the other side would be in front of Choji is Neji,in front of Shikamaru is Lee, Shino in front of Kiba, and Sasuke in front of me. The table beside us would have Sakura, Hinata, TenTen, and Ino. Obviously for now it was just Choji, Shikamaru, and I but that is usually how we sit kinda ignoring the other kids in the class and even ignoring our teacher, Iruka or what we must call him...Mr.Umino which is dumb since he is my dad well pratically. He hasn't really legally allowed me yet but grandma gave him her permission.

  This is getting off topic.... I sighed and relaxed in my chair. Just maybe I can nap for a bit so I can get these damn thoughts out of my head. Hinata and Kina are good together. They are happy. I'm happy for them. I like women.. Women like.. Uh.. Sakura?

  I shook my head before laying down on the table. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the silent chatter and the sound of footsteps. The sound was enough to make me drowsy. My arms covered my head so no one could see me drool if I do that.. which I do.. Then my eyes closed as I slowly slipped into the world where dreams would take me away from these thoughts of mine... Or so I thought.

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