Chapter 13

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Kiba's pov

When we made it there, i sneaked into Naruto's tent and I sat down.He squirmed in his sleep.I smiled and pulled him into my lap.He soon stopped squirming and rested his body against mine.

I kissed his forehead and kept him close.It was cold so i didn't want him freezing.My body heat should be enough heat to keep him warm.His calm breath was lulling me to sleep but i made sure not to fall asleep.

There was a loud crack of someone stepping on a branch.Akamaru walked into the tent and whined about whatever before plopping down next to me and closing his eyes.Did he have to be so loud?

"Kiba, " A hoarse angelic voice called.I smiled at his cute little voice.I turned to see his Sapphire blue eyes halfway open.I nuzzled my nose up against his.

"Hi baby, " I cooed.He seemed to have been tense for a second before calming down."Sorry Akamaru waked you, "I apologised while the big dog grumbled nonsense.

" Shouldn't you be in the tree's or something, "He asked.I chuckled and shook my head.

" No Shikamaru And I switched places.The lie is he went to go help his dad with another important mission so they sent the two mutts out here to take his place, "I chuckled.

" Good.I like my mutts, "He nuzzled into my chest.He is so adorable.My little fox.I let out a satisfied sigh and i leaned back.

" Goodnight my little fox, "I mumbled.

" Good night dog breath, "He chuckled.I pouted but when he kissed me, I smiled and kissed him back.That pout wasn't gonna last very long anyway.He nuzzled back into my chest and closed his eyes.I rubbed circles on his back as i allowed him to sleep.

Naruto's pov

I woke up to find Kiba sleeping underneath me and Akamaru sleeping beside me.I slowly got up and successfully did it without waking up either of them.I left the tent and went somewhere to use the restroom then came back and used some supplies we packed to wash my hands and brush my teeth.

Sasuke came out of his tent as i was storing stuff back in specific packs.He walked over to me.I waved at him and he waved back.

" Hey where did Shikamaru go last night, "He asked.

" He was called back to the Village.He was replaced by Kiba and Akamaru though, "I stood up.

" Hm alright.What do we have to eat i'm hungry, "He yawned.

" Uh we have water, sandwiches, rice balls, and instant ramen, "I chuckled.

" Do we have anything with meat, "He asked.

" The sandwiches....nevermind they don't have meat...sooo no but i brought my own little stash.I have some meat but you can't tell the others, "I whispered the last bit.He nodded and followed me into the woods.I jumped up into a tree where a bag was sitting.

I deactivated the trap and walked over to the bag.I opened it and pulled out a turkey sandwich.He took it and i closed the bag.We scurried out of the tree but not before i put the trap back up.

We chatted about random things until i was attacked my Akamaru.We rolled through the grass till we stopped.I chuckled and playfully growled at Akamaru who did the same.His tail was wagging non-stop as he got up and attacked my face with kisses.

" Okay Okay i'll give you some, "I smiled and playfully licked his cheek causing him to go into a licking fit again.I pulled the bag out of my pocket.They were kinda squished but Akamaru didn't mind.He sat down with his tail wagging quickly as he waited for his treat.

" Now remember don't tell Kiba," I whispered before giving him three of the treats.He gladly ate them.I shoved the bag back in my pocket and we made it back to where Sasuke was.He was watching us while he ate his sandwich.

"That dog really loves you, " Sasuke hummed.

"Correction all dogs love Naruto," Sakura came over smiling.

"They are man's best friend, " I chuckled and shrugged.

"More like Naruto's best friend, " Kakashi grumbled as three of his Ninken ran up to me.I smiled as i watched Akamaru get protective and growl at the three.I flicked Akamaru's nose making him whine.

"Be nice, " I scolded and bent down.The dogs attacked me with kisses which i gladly allowed them to do.There was a displeased growl.I looked up to see Kiba sulking over by the tree.I chuckled and rolled my eyes at his little pout.I got up and walked over to him.

"Jealous, " I asked in a teasing tone.He scoffed and looked away from my eyes.

"Me jealous of a bunch of mutts.I am not jealous, " He grumbled.I lifted his chin up so he was looking at me.

"Yess you are, " I purred.He huffed and glared at the ground.
"Don't be that way..Alpha~, " i purred in his ear.He let out a lustful growl.You could only hear the lust if you were as close as i was.From where our teammates were standing it looked like we were fighting but only Sakura knew the truth.

"If you call me that again i'll teach your team a new lesson.I'll claim you again right in front of them.Do you want to show them that you can be weak.Show them how weak you can het from my touch, " He nipped at my neck.It was my turn to growl.It wasn't a lustful growl it was a warning growl.

"You wouldn't dare, " I grunted.He smirked and one.of his hands opened my jacket and ran his hands down the fishnet that i was wearing.I placed my head on his shoulder and let out a shakey moan when his fingers traced my nipple.

"I do dare, " He growled lowly and nipped at my neck yet again.

"K-Kiba...we can't we have a mission, " I whimpered.He sighed and dropped his hands.I kissed his lips and fixed my jacket and ruffled my hair a bit.Kiba licked his lip just wanting to taste more of me but we couldn't.

I walked back over to the group and picked up Bisuke who was sniffing me.He curled up in my arms.

"Let's go, " I said before jumping up in the trees and head towards our destination.Sakura followed and so did everyone else.Kiba started running beside me and Akamaru was on the other side.Kakashi made it beside Akamaru.

"So they are here right, " I asked.

"Yeah they are going to stay 20 feet away from us just for precaution, " Kiba explained.

"I still don't understand why Shikamaru and Kiba switched, " Kakashi mumbled.

"Precaution.The nine tailed fox can take control of me whenever causing me to be unstable and it's easier for someone who knows me the most to stop me from doing any harm, " I casually explained.

"Exactly, " Kiba snickered a little.

"I for one think one of us should have went on this mission to be more stealthy and get in and out without being seen Bisuke mumbled.I chuckled and rubbed his ears.

" That might sound like a smart idea but if they get caught nobody is there to save them, "I explained.

I quickly pulled out my Kunai knife and threw it at Kiba deflecting one that was coming at the brunette.The two Kunai knives fell down and into the grass below them.

" Oh great, "Kiba grumbled.

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