How you met

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"Dame it this sucks I freaking half a mile hike are you kidding me?" you grumbled to your self as you walked up the mountain behind your school—kunugigaoka Junior High— to get to your new class E-class also known as the end class 'those jerks got ...

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"Dame it this sucks I freaking half a mile hike are you kidding me?" you grumbled to your self as you walked up the mountain behind your school—kunugigaoka Junior High— to get to your new class E-class also known as the end class 'those jerks got what was coming for them and now that I'm comin here to E class I'm a true delinquent and no one's stoping me from getting into a fight on school grounds!' you thought with a sadistic smirk pulling at your lips as you casually put your hands in your pockets hiking up to your mountain top class leisurely not caring how late to class I'm going to be 'it doesn't matter any more now that I'm goin to the end class I'm fee to do what I pleas' you thought let me explain how you'v gotten to this point you were (u) (last name) commonly known threw out the school as a trouble making sadist or a female karma you were in A class with your grads above average but you had a problem with violence some how you always ended up in the middle of the school Brawl beating someone to a pulp the teachers tried to look past your aggression but when you beat up a kid to an inch of his life well.... the teachers weren't so forgiving this time you were demoted to E class after a month of out of school suspension and now? you'v hit rock bottom but do you care? 'God no this is a miracle for me' you thought grinning as you approached the old run down school houes 'this'll be fun' you thought with a smirk as you walked threw the old banged up door to be met with mr.kurasima "hello (u) (last name) I'm mr-" "yeah yeah your kurasima I know the hold gist where's the octopus?" I ask and kuraima growns rubbing his temple "(uuuuu)! how do you know this? It's top secret" he says "I have my sources so where's the alien?" I ask walking past kurasima and down the hall "he's- wait! I haven't told the kids about you ye-" I don't let kurasima finish his sentence before I open the door to what I assume is the class room and I smile innocently looking around at all my new class mates "hello! It's so nice to meet you all! My names (u)! I hope we can all be friends!" I smile all "angelic" like  "oh my we have a new student? I'll intrude my self my name is koro sensei" the yellow octopus says sliming his way over to me "it's so nice to meet you!" I smile and he nods wearing that same crescent shaped grin of his "here! I made this for you! Thank you very much for welcoming me into your class mr. koro sensei!" I smile handing sensei my "gift" 'I will be the one to end you' I think with a smirk as he opens the small chocolate box just to be gassed and I quickly take out some daggers from my pocket throwing them

Karma prospective

The new girl i heard so many rumors about barges into the class room with a big bright girly smile plastered on her face and I grown 'well this'll be no fun...' I think not giving it any more of my attention or time going back to playing with my knife as she introduces her self to the class but then chills go up my spine as an intense blood lust is released making me smile sadistly with excitement while I look over to see the new girl throw some daggers made out of anti koro sense knives at our yellow octopus teacher and he manages to dogge them all huffing and painting after the down poor of knives that have spelled out "you'll die by my hands" on the wall behind koro sensei's head "oops sorry I frogot to tell you..... I love to cause trouble~" (u) smirks as the knife she threw into the ceiling falls down into her hand before she spins it inbetween her fingers "y-you.... can sit by...... karma... karma.... raise your hand...." koro sensei says still catching his breath coming out of shock and I raise my hand

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