First kiss

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Well besides the confession kiss your "first kiss" was at school you had been so focused on your work that you weren't paying enough attention to karma so he decided that he would get your attention he handed rio his phone and gave her some instructions before he lifted your chin up making you look at him before he kissed you your faced agin turned the same color of his hair and by the time he pulled away the hole class was cheering rio had got multiple pictures koro sensei was taking notes and Miss. bitch was impressed karma teased you about it for ever until you decided to get him back by taking some embarrassing pictures of him and threatened to show them to the hold class unless he dropped it "fine~ my little black mailer wins~" he smiles admitting defeat


You had taken a test and failed you were beyond broken you'd never failed a single test so this was new and Asano also wasn't enjoying it because you were studying non stop he got especially worried one night when you didn't respond to any of his texts so he came over to check on you he knocked on your door a few times but didn't get an answer so he got his spare key and unlocked the door coming inside looking around the house for you find you in your room passed out with book's and book's pilled up around you he smiled and pecked your cheek "I know you'll do better next time" he said before leaving your houes making sure to door the next morning you woke up to find a study packet and a note next to you saying:
Hello (u) I got worried after you didn't respond to any of my texts so I came over your gonna over work your self so get some rest but after words you can come to my house I'll help you with your studies -from Asano

The reaper:

Today you and your boy friend were sparing in hand to hand combat you had manneged to pin the reaper but he flipped you over sitting ontop of you sit a victorious grin "no fair..." you murmured trying to push him off if you but he just smiled at your cute attempt and leaned down kiss you quickly before getting off of you helping you up "what was that for?" You asked titling your head "you really need to socialize more..." the reaper sweat dropped "make sure to punch a stranger if they do that" he added and you punched the reaper in the gut "wh-what was that for!? I'm not a stranger!" He snapped "no but your pretty strange" you shrugged "and I wanted pay back"

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