Catching feelings

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Karma's catching feeling's moment:
Karma prospective

"Hay (u)~" I smile poking (u)'s cheek "yeah?" (u) questions not really paying attention to me and I pout playfully "(uuuuuuu)!" I wine resting my head on her desk looking up at her with puppy dog eye's "karma not now I'm busy I told you you can walk home with out me today go have fun in an ally way or something" (u) says swatting me away agin focusing on her papers "hmm!~ I have an idea (u)~" I smile getting up "oh? That so" (u) says not really caring counting to do her work and I snatch the paper from her holding it up high in the air holding it above my and her head "hay!!! Karma you jerk give it back!! I need that!!" (u) says standing up jumping up and down trying to get the paper back from me and I smirk holding it up higher "awwww~ your so short~" I tease and (u) tries jumping a few more times before she gets and idea and grabs the callor of my shirt yanking me down to eye level "" (u) warns and i gulp handing her the paper as pink tints my cheek's

(U)'s catching feelings moment:
(U) prospective

"Karma you wanna grab some ice cream today?" I ask as the two of us walk together to our houses "I guess" karma shrugs yawning "tired?" I question "nah just bored is all" karma says and I nod "there's nothing really going on that's all that interesting" I sigh putting my hands in my pockets and then I sence sone one's presence making me stop and turn around to face a tall orange haired guy who seems to be pisssed off and I smile recognizing him "oh! Hay I remember you!~ You were the guy I beat up a little while back!~" I grin "yeah but this time i brought some friends" the guy says and I smirk "you go on ahead" I say "ok (u) I'll order yours" karma says starting to walk down the street to the ice cream shop and I crack my knuckles smirking "well?~" I question ticking the guy off "get her!!!" He shouts and charges me I smile wildly kicking him in the guy while dogging a fist the the face and I do an aerial jump over him hooking my let's around his neck in a choke hold making him fall back and I let go last second jumping forwards just missing a bashing to the face with a bat "aww~ three on one if pretty unfair don't you think~" I smile pulling a pocket knife out of my back pocket opening it up and the one of the guy's run at me with ease I take a step to my left dogging his attack and sending him face first into a wall knocking him out and I can't help but laugh "haha! How stupid! Your really not a good fighter are you?~" I ask the unconscious men with a smirk "I GUESS THAG GOES FOR THE BOTH OF YOU!" The last guy yells raising the bat he has in his hands high in the air above my head 'shit I wasn't paying cloes enough attention I don't have time to dogge!' I panic wide eye'd as the guy swings the bat down and u cleos my eye's praying that somehow this is all just a dream "how clumsy (u)~" I hear karma's voice say and my eye's shoot open to see he's knocked the bat out of the guy's hand and he is arm is around my waist making me cheeks turn pink "now let's play and no one gets hurt" karma warns with a glare letting me go and the guy doesn't take karma's threat seriously and charges him "how childish~ I don't have time to play with little kids today so I'll make this quick~" karma smirks knocking the guy out cold hitting him on the top of his head with the hilt of karma's anti koro sensei knife "now how about that ice cream (u)?" Karma asked turning around with a smile handing me my cone of (favorite flavored ice cream) ice cream "th-thanks karma" I thank him "you owe me now kitten~" he said useing my "new Nick name" making me blush


Asano's catching feeling's moment:
Asano prospective

I walk into the library and spot (u) sitting in the back of the room alone agin and I sigh walking over to her pulling up a chair taking a seat infront of her "o-oh hi Asano what are you doing here?" (u) ask's looking up from her book "what's it about?" I ask ignoring her initial question "Greek mythology I thought it may be interesting it really is fascinating" (u) says smiling a bit closing the book Turing it around so I can see the front cover "I think you'd like it Asano I can lend it to you" (u) says handing me the book and i stair at it for a moment when the realization hits me 'no one's ever given me anything before....' I think examining the old book that I would normally pay no mind to "I..... I'd like that thank you" I nod and (u) smiles "no problem!"

(U)'s catching feelings moment:
(U) prospective

The bell rings and after being dismissed the hole class including the teacher rush out the door to get home but I stay in my seat unpacking a few things lying some book's out on my desk when the door to the class room opens and Asano walks in "oh hello Asano" I greet "what are you still doing here?" Asano ask's walking over to me "I normally stay after class to study for a bit and clean up the room" I say "hmm..... mind if a join you?" Asano asks "not at all" I say and he sits down infront of me taking out some home work from his bag and the room fill's with a pleasant silence i soon get most my home work finished but- "um Asano?...." I call "hmm?" He hums looking up from his work "I..... I can't figure this out...." I admit sliding my paper to him and he look's it over for a few seconds "ignore the first line of the question it won't help you it's more to confuse you" Asano says looking back down at his work and I re-read the question skipping over the first line and I get the answer easily "did that help?" Asano ask's "yes very much thank you" I say and he smiles a bit nodding going back to reading his paper 'I never noticed his smile before....'

The (original)reaper:

The reaper's catching feelings moment:
the reaper prospective

"Reaper?" (u) calls while practicing her aiming "yeah?" I question after she shoot's "it's kinda odd calling you the reaper is there anything els I can call you?" (u) asks before firing hitting a bull's eye "good work and?..... um..... well.... my real name?" I question and (u) nod's putting the pistol in her hands down "it's kind of odd calling you the reaper" (u) says "how so?" I ask "well last time we went to a grave yard I said 'reaper' and it made a little girl cry" (u) says "well then how about you call me by my real name~" I tease and unexpectedly i hear a laugh come from (u) and look over to see her smiling "d-did I say something???" I question "I can't call you by your real name if I don't know it" (u) says seeming to be rather amused "fine...... you want my real name? It's Ryushi" I say(I looked it up) "Ryushi? Ryushi... Ryushi! I like it" (u) smiles a bit 'this is the first time iv seen her be this happy' I think stairing at her "a-are you ok!?!" (u) asks panicked "huh?" I question and realize iv had a nose bleed

(U)'s catching feelings moment:
(U) prospective

"(u) hold the gun like this and close your left eye" the reaper says and I do but he shakes his head "like this" he says showing me his grip on the pistol and I try to do it the same but I guess I didn't because the reaper sigh's "here like this you see?" The reaper ask's repositioning my hands 'his hands are strong...' I think blushing a bit but luckily sence were out side and it's so cold the blush that was already on my cheeks covers it up well "there you go like that" the reaper says with approval letting my hands go "oh.... I see" I nod hiding my smile in my scarf "good now aim at the dead center of the target" the reaper instructs and I nod trying to aim but with the wind and the fact that I'm not used to the gun I can't quit position it correctly so take in a deep breath trying to steady my hands but then a dog barks making me jump and I pull the trigger the bullet hits a mettle post and ricochets off of it flying right past the reaper's head "I-I'm sorry!!" I Yelp "n-no problem" he says as his face goes ghost pale

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