After math of finding feelings

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Karma's reaction to his feelings:

After karma discovered his feelings towards you he tried to deny them for the longes time and even stoped handing out with you for a while but he noticed it made you sad so he continued to hang out with you like normal but things were just a little different he was a bit nicer and wouldn't tease you as much as possible he also helped you with home work every once in awhile and the pranks he pulled on you were a little less life threatening

(U)'s reaction to feelings:

After you learned what feelings you had towards karma not much changed you were still the same little sadist that loved to pull pranks but one thing did change and that was that you started to get a little more offended by the things karma would say or do you also were low key jealous when other girls were around him


Asano's reaction to feelings:

After finding his feelings he started hanging out with you more he didn't quit understand it but he knew he wanted to be around you so in his quest to discover what these new found feelings ment he hung out with you more going to the library to read with you studying after class with you and he even started walking you home more than usual he soon relized these warm fluffy feelings he was having must mean that he likes you

(U)'s reaction to feelings:

After the hole descovering feelings thing you started blushing every time your around Asano and what doesn't help is that he's been hanging out with you more recently it's starting to get super hard for you to pay attention when asano's RIGHT THERE! The hole class you'll be blushing while looking down at your notes thinking 'don't blush don't blush don't blush don't- GAH YOUR BLUSHING YOUV BETRAYED ME MY BODY OF MINE!!!' Or 'don't look don't look don't look don't- YOU LOOKED YOU IDIOT!!' @/////@

The reaper:

the reaper's reaction to feelings:

Ok so he's pretending like he doesn't know what he's feeling but deep deep DEEP(not really) down he know's that he liked you but he refuses to acknowledge that and he's really good at covering it up too so it's almost impossible for you to tell especially the one time you found his magazine stash

(U)'s reaction to feelings:

It's starting to get harder to have him as your teacher especially when sparing the last time it ended in a blushing mess you managed to pin your mentor to the floor but immediately lost it blushing he "assumed you were sick" and gave you the day off right after your lesson the reaper when to his room to clean the blood from his face

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