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Karma: he was the one to Confession

You were sitting under your tree skipping class for the second time today and karma after gathering all his courage walked out of the class room to find you and Confession in his own way you were under your tree humming a soft toon while playing with some sticks as karma walked towards you and you noticed this looking up at him as he made his way over to you "oh hay karma what are you doing out he- hay! Wait! Karma your too cloe-" before you could finish your sentence karma wrapped an arm around your waist planting a kiss on your lips before pulling away with a pink tint on his cheek's while your face was the same color as his hair "your mine now... ok?" Karma asked trying to sound cool but it was obvious by how red his face was that he was flustered as hell even thow he was the one who kissed you and with out thinking all you did was nod your head trying to proses what just happened as the back of your hand was pressed aginst your lips

Asano: I guess you both Confessed in a way

You and Asano were both sitting on the roof of the school eating lunch outside sence it was such a nice day as you were stuffing some sushi into your face Asano spoke up interrupting the nice silence "hay (u) iv been wondering do you have a boy friend?" Asano asked out of the blue making you blush and nearly choke on your food "wh-why would you think that!?!" You asked flustered "just wanted to know...." Asano said "w-well..... I do.... like someone..." you said looking down at your food blushing even more and your words gained asano's attention "who?" He asked "um... he's smart and... nice... he can be misjudged a lot of the time and... well.... I guess..." you couldn't say it there was no way instead you got a note book out from your bag starting to write something down Asano tried to see what you were writing but you turned the note book so he couldn't see it witch annoyed him a little "what are you writing?" Asano asked and you stoped writing thinking about your life choices before you blushed looking down while turning the note book around covering your red face so he could see what you wrote "y-you like... me?" You nodded still hiding your face behind the note book and Asano now had an amused smile on his face taking the note book from you uncovering your face he took a pen from his bag and wrote somthing on the note book too "I like you too (u)" after reading it you practically passed out

The reaper: you were the one to Confession

"hay Ryushi" (u) calls and I look up from my book "yeah what do you nee- why are you so close?" I asked seeing that her face is right infront of mine "I think I like you" (u) says calmly "y-you do do you?" I ask a little flustered and (u) nod's "I do" she says "well......." I trail off "what do you think? Do you like me too?" (u) asked and my cheek's turn pink "m-maybe" I admit backing up so our faces arnt so close "so you'll let me be your girl friend?" (u) asks and I hide my face in my book "y-yeah" I nod

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