07 | Salty Beanstalk

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3rd Person PoV

"You look, tired guys.." Daichi furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion. Suga and Tanaka tried to reason by 'studying' but, we all know that Tanaka doesn't do 'study'

"Excuse me." Someone called Y/n to look at her side. She narrows her heterochromia

"Oh, you're here?" Daichi smiled

Revealing a tall blonde with glasses and headphones in his neck. Beside him, a tall green hair with freckles.

The tall blonde looks at Y/n suspiciously. Mostly eyeing her scarf. Her scarf has black and white strips, and scales that belong to snakes. Moeru's lower buddy is used like an untied scarf part.

"They're the new first-years. They're joining early for next Saturday's tryout match." Daichi said, before looking at Y/N's direction "Your teammates too. Take good care of them"

Y/n merely nodded. Looking at her teammates, she observes them

'the blonde one is gonna be a pain. He can't receive properly but he's a middle blocker. Freckles are....he's too adorable I can't even say anything..'

She sighed to herself.

"Nice to meet you!" They bowed.

Y/n quickly left at the gym and went to the duo and see what they're up to.

"Not just use your arms. Use your legs!" Kageyama shouted, serving the ball to Hinata, but only to fail to receive it "Concentrate, will you?"

"I know" Hinata argued, "if we win on Saturday, we'll get into the gym...and start training for real."

Before looking back at Kageyama with a blank face "Oh, and unless we win, you'll never become a setter."

"If you get it, then focus!"

They started practicing again until the ball got stuck in the tree "I told you to go easy when we play outside" Hinata said while climbing the tree.

"If only you could receive properly..."

Then Hinata muttered something, and it made Kageyama trigger.

"I wonder our opponents are? They should be easy to beat. But we know that Y/n guy is one of the opponents" Hinata questioned, tilting his head

"It doesn't matter what they're like. All that matters is winning."

"I was going to say the same thing." Hinata argued, Kageyama tched "Don't fit! Come on, then!" Kageyama served and it Hinata in the head, making him fall in his back

"Tch. I don't like those new first-years." Tanaka said, scowling

"You never like the new kids. It's just the way you are." Suga smiled

𝘚𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘴 》 KnY × HqWhere stories live. Discover now