Chapter 18

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The second chapter today to make up my very lazy updating schedule. Enjoy!! 


I stood at the edge of the camp away from all the noise and chattering of warriors. Ever since the portal opened up above us, all I've wanted to do was get high enough to go back home, I needed this to be over. The locks, the war, the gods, all of it. I turned to face Dorian, probably for the last time, "You sure you want to do this. I can't ask this of you."

He calmly walked up, "You're not asking me Aelin, I'm offering. This burden has been mine just as much as it's been yours."

"Together then," I whispered, a promise to the friend who pulled me out of the darkness first.

"Together," Dorian whispered back. Reaching out from the bag, he pulled out the three wyrdkeys and looked at Aelin. "If we do this, we might not go back... to them."

"I know, but our mates are strong enough to understand our sacrifice. We will meet them again, when they fade, we'll see them in the afterlife."

I heard shuffling near the last tent as Dorian and I quickly pocketed the keys. Fenrys and Nehemia walked closer fully geared and stared at us, red-eyed, holding each other's hand.

"You're doing it, aren't you. You're forging the lock." Fenrys asked.

"This wasn't my plan." Was Aelin's only answer as she dumped the third wyrdkey into Dorian's hand. Dorian shuddered as Fenrys flinched.

"What about home? What about your kingdoms, isn't it your responsibility to rule? Nehemia asked teary-eyed observing Dorian and me.

"We were never born to rule Nehemia. Since the day we were born, we were pawns the gods were waiting to use. There are people back home who would rule just fine." Dorian answered.

"Damn those gods," Fenrys muttered as he turned around in frustration. "Rowan and Manon will be able to feel everything you go through with those in you." He said pointing to the keys.

"We know, but they'll understand," Aelin said softly.

"When?" Nehemia asked.

"Now." Dorian and I said at the same time as we shared a sad smile.

"Fenry's can you..." Before I could continue we were in the middle of the forest far away from the camp.

"To open the gates, we must become the gate." I recited remembering what Elena had told her in the mirror. I closed my eyes envisioning the future I might have had if the gods hadn't wrecked my life. I thought of Rowan, my parents, all the new friends, and the family I had made over the last 10 years.

My name is Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius, and I will not be afraid.

I will not be afraid.

When I opened my eyes I saw Dorian cutting his palm and slowly sliding in the wyrdkey wincing in pain. I followed suit. As the three wyrkeys made contact with our blood, I could feel the ancient power rising, as if it had been waiting to be awoken for centuries.

"Come back to us," Nehemia said, as I looked at her and Fenrys for the last time. 

"You ready?" I asked.

Dorian nodded, and with a final prayer to the Lord of the North, their bloody hands joined sending her magic wild and fierce in her blood. Our wounds sealed as our bodies went limp and the pain began.

Every drop of my magic yelling at me to stop, but the keys wouldn't allow it. The lock kept demanding more and more as our magic poured out giving it all.

Dorian and I began screaming, our magic ripping away from our souls as every bit of who they were started slipping away forming a bright orange and blue eye. The eye of Elena I realized. The sacred thing that connected both her and Dorian.

I looked over at Dorian, whose eyes were shut tight closed in pain as he let out another scream as I joined him. I could feel my magic slipping away, the last bits until it would all be over. The lock would take their lives, leaving only their memory behind. I wondered if their mates would ever forgive them. All I could do was hope that Rowan would move on, and be happy.

The lock was almost finished as the eye started glowing brighter as a new place started coming into view. The gods all standing there waiting for the promised children to send them home.

"It's done now, fulfill the bargain child," Mala said sadly.

"No, not yet. You still have your end of the bargain." Dorian said, wincing in pain.

"We will take Maeve away from your world, and we will destroy him. I promise you that." Deana nodded.

Elena stepped forward, "Before you end this, I want to apologize to you both. We are all in this position because of me, I never had any ill intentions."

"I'm alive because of you, I met Rowan because of you. I forgive you, Elena."

"Then end this now," Mala said as the gods all lined up awaiting their door to lead them home.

"We don't have enough left," Dorian answered looking down at his bloody hands.

"You do, I give you both my blessing, you will always have your power. That is the one thing I can promise I won't take away from you." Mala said walking up. "When it is done, think of home."

Dorian nodded, as He and I let every ounce of our magic we had left into the lock. The next thing I know, we're falling as I fall back into my body and darkness claims us. 

Thanks for reading!! Don't forget to comment and vote :))

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