Chapter 15

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Hey guys, Sorry for taking so long for this chapter. 

Note: All italic text is a character's inner thoughts. 



The power of the three wyrdkeys was daunting, the darkness a constant rope around my throat waiting for a chance to pull harder and finish it off. I could feel the chill crawling up my bones as the dark power within the wyrdkeys was soaking up all the misery in the house. It was like being with Maeve again, the dark power that constantly surrounds her, the wickedness, that evil. I could only imagine what Dorian must have felt like with the collar around his throat. The young rulers have had to go through so much before they even matured. Everyone knows about Aelin's horrific childhood but no one seems to think about what the young king must have gone through having a valg father.

It had been 5 days and Dorian was still unconscious. 5 long days of watching Aelin avoid Sam and Nehemia and the spymaster pushing us for more information every day. I couldn't wait until we finished this war. At least we won't have to pretend we are okay. We all would get time to relax and properly go through our problems.

I silently walked outside the manor to get away from the daunting power when I spied Aelin crying in the garden with her head in her hands. Of course, she would be crying, her dead friend and boyfriend are alive and married for that matter! As I walked closer she quickly looked back in a fighting stance to fight any upcoming danger but sat back down the moment she saw me.

"You know after all these years I finally felt like I had everything under control. I was no longer burying the pain of the fallen in my heart and using it as a crutch to stay away from Terresan. I blamed myself for everyone's death for years. After all the valg and the gods wanted my power the entire time." Aelin said, still staring at the flowers dancing in the wind as tears continued falling.

"It wasn't your fault Aelin. No one has power over what they are born with or born into. It all depends on how you use your disadvantages and make them into a power."

"Everyone says that, but in their hearts they know, if I had forged the lock that day ten years ago then we couldn't have this war now. Erawan would have been banished and Erliea would have been at peace." She answered.

"What about Terresan? Who would have ruled them?"

"Aedion, Galan, even one of the Lords could have held claim to the throne. I never wanted the crown anyway." She mumbled.

"We can't think about what we could have done Aelin, all we can do now is work towards making the world a better place."

She slowly looked at me, her eyes puffed, red from crying, and put her head down on my shoulders.

"Do you actually believe we can win this war?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"I believe that if we all put our differences aside and work together then anything is possible. Aelin, because of you the fae, witches, and humans, are fighting together for one cause. I used to think we would win this war by outsmarting the valg or having a larger army, but I was wrong. We will win because we all are fighting for one genuine cause, the promise of a better world not just for us but for generations to come."

We sat there in silence feeling the cool winter breeze brush our faces and the smell of cake from the bakery down the street, the people laughing calming our nerves.

She slowly got up my hand still in hers, "I am going to go inside to check on Dorian." I nodded in acknowledgment as she continued, "Thank you."

"For what?" I questioned.

"For being there for me now and with her. If you weren't there I don't think I..." She trailed off unable to complete the sentence.

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