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I left Michael's house just after dinner time. This was a regular occurance. I'd go to Michaels after school and we'd end up talking for hours until Karen (Michaels mum) would be cooking dinner. I didn't just invite myself to the table, Karen would usually insist for me to stay for dinner and take left overs home for Daisy and Mum. So like most nights I walked home just as the sun started to set. The vibrant orange scenary guiding me home right to my door step.

"I'm home" I announced walking through the front door. My words rattled through the walls.

I dumped my bag down by the couch and walked into the kitchen suprised to see the bench spotless.

"Mum?" Placing the container of food on the counter top I scanned the room, no sight of Mum or Daisy. I could hear faint footsteps getting closer and closer to me.

"Oh honey, didn't hear you come in" My Mum beamed entering the kitchen drying her hands with a tea towel.

"Where has my Mother gone?" I laughed looking round the room.

"Right here silly" She giggled like a child making her way past me to wipe the bench down, what looks like for the one hundredth time.

I stood in slight shock, all suprised by the sudden turn of events. Last night she was a drunk mess climbing through a bathroom window waking up the whole neighbour hood and today she's woken up like a brand new person.

"I did a little cleaning"

"A little?!" I exclaimed, chuckling under my breath.

"What's this?" Mum changed the subject opening the plastic container Karen gave me to give to my sister and Mum.

"Lasagna" I told her getting two freshly cleaned plates out of the cupboard. "Michael's Mum put it together"

"Oh how lovely" She grinned. "Daisy's favourite" She dished up two plates for herself and Daisy. "Daisy Carter, foods ready!"

Daisy came running out moments later.

"Hey kiddo" I smiled down at her. Her petite figure wrapping around my side in a hug.

"Hi Bella" She took her seat at the table and dug right into the dish.

"What's happening Mum?" I propped my head in my hands. "I mean your never like this, ever" I was right, she was never this happy. It's been atleast a year since I've seen my own mother smile more than a fake one.


I raised my eyebrows and smiled politely waiting for her to carry on.

"I got the job" She beamed.

"You did?" I exclaimed. "That's amazing"

"I mean I'll be working double the time, but the money by the end of the week will be a bonus" She assured me.

My grin faded, not because I wasn't happy for my mother more because I was concerned. She struggled with the hours she's doing now and working double the time means no one would be home in time for when Daisy finishes school.

"Are you sure you can handle it Mum, I mean, you haven't been up to doing anything lately, let alone commit to a new job" I knew my Mum well enough to know she was jumping into things too quick.

"I can handle this Arabella" She placed a nimble hand on my shoulder in reassurance. "We'll have all the money we lost last year in no time"

I bit my lip nodding slightly. The room fell silent the sound of cutlery scrapping on plates the only thing to be heard. I glanced outside seeing a bright light shine through our thin curtains. The sun was still setting slowly. Something made me feel like I didn't want to miss this one for the world.

"I'm gonna go out for a few hours" I announced standing up from my seat at the table.

"Back before-"

"Midnight, I know Mum" I flashed her a smile.

I kissed the top of Daisy's blonde hair (dads gene) earning a big grin from her. Cautiously checking my pockets for my cigarettes and lighter I flung my leather jacket over my shoulder and tucked my sketch book under my arm then shut the door tight behind me.

Inhaling the icy cold air around me I looked up at the vibrant glowing sky, bringing a small smile to my face. I exhaled loudly forming a small cloud of my breath in front of my face. My footsteps echoed around the apartment block along with the faint cries of help. This was more than a common sound for me to hear. Throughout the year we've been living here in this dump we all soon got used to it. Watching the stray cats and dogs rummaging around in the filth that covered the grounds of where I was supposed to call home.

I shook my head disgusted by my surroundings. I never really accepted the fact that this was where I had to be. That this is where I should feel safe and feel protected by family and friends. But how was I supposed to feel safe when it didn't feel like a home to me at all. It felt like a jail. I constantly felt trapped.

I shook my head getting rid of my unwanted thoughts.

I plugged in my earphones letting my music fill my mind and my feet take me too my happy place.

yoooOoOoOoooOOOoo!! okay so Arabella's got a slight obsession with sunsets (me too tbh)
Hope you like this chapter, k later babes ilu

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