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I trudged up the hill with my own arms wrapped around my body as the night grew colder.

I exhaled a sigh of relief as I found myself at the very top of the familiar hill. The sunset staring at me right in the eye. A smile formed on my face as I skimmed my eyes over the sky's masterpiece. a mix of pinks and vibrant oranges burned into my mind.

I sat my body up against the only tree on top of the hill. A big oak tree that I watched grow. Ever since I was born my mother and father would take me to the very top of the hill just for the serenity. Apparently it helped me calm down. As a baby I didn't know that, but as a teenager I know for sure that this is my happy place. This is where the calmness rushes through my body like a tidal way. This small, simple hill is my great escape.

I fluttered my eyes open, having not realized I had closed them in the process of my thoughts. My original smile planted itself back onto my face as the sunset flooded my mind. Pulling out my sketch book and turning the page to start a new drawing, plonked in between the many other sketches that were scribbled on the pages, I concentrated intently on the view in front of me. It wasn't the first time I had attempted to draw the sunset, I had many times before wanting to document the things that made me happy with a bunch of scribbles on a page.

"What you drawing?"

I jumped out of my skin drawing a thick pencil mark through my sketch.

"What the fu-" I stopped mid sentence looking up at the boy who was bent over my shoulder.

"And a pleasure to see you too" He grinned that unforgettable grin.

"Did I ask for company?" I spat at the boy who was now sat down next to me.

"You looked lonely sitting over here by yourself, I though I'd come over and say hi"

"Like you wanted to in the lunch line?"

"Exactly how I wanted to in the lunch line Arabel- Bella" He mouthed a 'sorry' at me for mucking up my name. But I didn't mind, the way he said my name made me swoon.

"It's fine" I smiled half heartedly.

"Is that a smile I see?" He nudged me playfully. "A smile at me?" He gestured to himself.

"Shut up Calum" I shoved him back trying to hide my smile he put on my lips again. How does he do it?

I turned my attention on the sunset.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Calum spoke up.

"It is" I agreed. Turning my neck to look at him. He wasn't paying attention to me, it was all on the sky. I admired him watching the sunset, his plump lips curved in a small smile. I could see the reflection of the sunset in his brown glazed eyes. His hair was messy, pieces of it sticking out left right and centre. I didn't mind, it made him look cute and cuddly.

His small smile grew larger.

"I can see you looking at me Arabella"

I snapped my head quickly back to the front rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

"I could of been looking at that blade of grass over there" I pointed just past him.

"What, do you have some weird fetus of grass, where you stare at them smiling in admiration?" He teased.

"I do now" I scoffed, not letting him get to me.

Calum shook his head laughing, almost a giggle. I rolled my eyes irritated by the hypnotizing sound that left his mouth. He dug out a pack of Marlboro cigarettes form his jean pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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