Intruders Part 5

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George didn't move, he just starred at me with his mouth on the floor.

"Luce?" It came out hoarse and quiet. I didn't even know if he had said her name. It took point two seconds after that until the phone was no longer in George's hands, but in mine.

"Lucy?" I gripped the phone with both hands. My heart beat moved to my wrists.

"Lockwood? Lockwood it's me. I'm okay, but I don't have much time-"

"Lucy where are you? Where did they take you?" Question after question tumbled out of my mouth. I knew she was trying to talk, but I was trying to keep my sob from reaching the conversation.

"Lockwood stop I don't have time, you have to listen to me," I could hear the panic surfacing through the phone, "please just listen."

"Okay," I was having a hard time swallowing the lump in my throat, but I did. "Okay I'm listening."

George's big eyes were starring at me, begging for answers.

"I'm not allowed to tell you much, because that would be too easy. But you know them, we've met them," her tone had changed. I had the impression she was reading off of something.

"But you've never been here before, but you could find it. You could find me," her voice was straining now, and she was moving. There was a mumble in the back ground.

"George could find me. It's on the map in his room. Next to-" there was a grunt, "next to the place! Lockwood I'm fine I promise I'm fine don't-"

"Luce? Lucy! No, no, no!" I was screaming and the phone wire was stretching across the kitchen as I paced.

"Excuse me, if you could pull yourself together," said a new voice on the line.

"Who are you? What do you want?" My hand tugged at my hair. My body went numb to my surroundings. 

"I want you to quit Lockwood and Co. Cancel it. I want your house burned to the ground. I want you out of the business and never return," grumbled the voice.

"Fine. Done. Now where is she," I grabbed the nearest piece of paper and a pen.

"But it's not done, is it? I don't hear fire alarms. Tragic. Looks like she's staying. Goodbye."

"Wait! Wait! There's got to be another way, please" and my voice broke into a million pieces as I finally grasped the situation. They were in control, and I was not. It was their way, or no way.

"Wow. This must be serious for you then?" The voice sounded like they were trying not to laugh. This was nothing but a joke for them. "Well in that case, even though I do love watching you pull your hair out. How about this. Tomorrow evening meet us by the river. You can bring the ashes to your house, and the cancellation of your company. And I'll be watching the news for a tragic house fire."

"But why does my house have to burn down? What sense does that make?" It didn't make sense. None of it did. My house had to be burned down? Was that a Lucy joke?

"Lots of questions for someone who's playing with the string of life of their loved one."

"Okay, okay fine." My hands were shaking as I wrote down the information.

"Also, while I have you. Did you happen to find Lucy's pants? Because I can't seem to find them anywhere."

And the line ended.

I slammed the phone against the receiver maybe a million times before it came completely off the wall.

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