Intruders Part 6

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Lucy's POV

It was going to be a very emotional phone call was all I knew. With my friends lives on the line, I was forced to read from a crumpled up napkin and that was it.

"Say anything other then this, and there will be consequences," Jeremy growled and shoved the phone in my hand. The phone rang, and I almost wished someone wouldn't answer.

"Lockwood and Co, this is Cubbins speaking."

My throat closed at George's voice. I could see his busted nose, and the fear of God in his eyes as I was torn away from him. I leaned my head against the phone biting my cheek.

Jeremy nudged me hard in the back to keep going.

"Hello?" George said. He probably made tea this morning. I would die for his tea right now.

Another hard nudge came to my back.

"George? George it's Lucy," I said. My name sounded so foreign. Like it didn't even belong to me. Did they forget me? What day was it again?

"Luce?" And he choked. I heard it. I pushed the phone away. I didn't wanna do this I couldn't. I'd rather them dump my body into the Thames then play these mind games with them.

Jeremy grabbed the back of my neck while John held the phone back to my ear.

"Lucy?" Lockwood's voice gripped my throat with both hands. I almost vomited.

"Lockwood? Lockwood it's me. I'm okay but I don't have much time-."

But the questions tumbled. His words dripped with desperation, but I could feel the time stating to slip away. Any moment now they'd take the phone.

"Lockwood stop, I don't have much time, you have to listen to me," I begged, "please just listen."

He agreed. I swallowed hard.

The crumbles napkin limited me to give the subtle hint that Lockwood knew who they were, and that we in fact had met them.

But he needed more. I could hear it in his breathing.

Jeremy reached for the phone from John, but I snatched it.

"But you've never been here before. But you could find it. You could find me," I struggled to slide away, wrestling the phone away from John.

"George could find me. It's on the map in his room. Next to-" the phone was ripped away, and now John stood looming over me.

Whatever Jeremy told Lockwood next, I would never know. Not at that moment anyway, I was too busy being dragged back to my corner where things would only get worse.

Authors note-

UMMMM HIII. the support is actually unreal and I had no idea how much some of you were invested in this story. Thank you so much for your comments, and sorry this one's short! I just wanted to give you guys something so you knew how grateful I am for you all!

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