Intruders Part 13 The Finale

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Authors Note
Just think of me as Stephan King here. I promise I'm not really crazy, just here for the story prompts and writing practice. I believe people should step out of their comfort zone and push their skill sets to different levels:) but-
This will be a very graphic, triggering, main stream chapter. SA/DA. Proceed with caution.

Lucy's POV

I was sweating. The leather wraps around my wrists were saturated. My dress was sticking to my body and was about as itchy and uncomfortable as it gets. On top of that, I was beginning to have a hard time keeping my emotions in check.

My heart ached every time I looked at Lockwood and George. They couldn't have been in any better state then I was. I was embarrassed of how I looked to them. Embarrassed of what I was allowing to happen. I'd given up.

I knew that, too. Especially pulling back into Portland Row. It was such a terrible tease to be inches away from a warm shower and the people I loved, just for it to be ripped away again. It was my last straw, the rock that sunk the boat.

So sitting in the chair, sweating like I was locked in a sauna, I decided that whatever happened to me was deserved at this point. If I couldn't fight my way out, the least I could do was behave for the sake of my friends lives.

But the minute Jeremy called George to the stage, my chest caved. I cringed at the ice cold fingers that threatened to drop my straps. The action had sent George running to the rescue, looking terrified in the bravest way.

Then, Jeremy stuck out his hand, an electric pen folded in his fingers like a sacred gift. I hadn't seen it coming. But I hadn't seen any of this coming.

"Not a fucking chance you psycho path," George growled taking a step back.

Jeremy let out an annoyed sigh, "Really? Come on it's easy, watch."

And before I could even react, the pen connected with my chest. I screamed as a million bolts of ice rippled through my veins, puncturing my muscles with sharpened icicles. My wrists flexed against the restraints, the leather cutting into my skin.

Someone was yelling. Whoever it was stopped as Jeremy removed the pen. My body collapsed forward in the chair, trembling and twitching. Drool leaked out of my mouth. I smelt something burning.

"Just a few times, then we can move on to our next activity. Are you really considered her best friend if you let someone else deliver her torture?" Jeremy's voice said. He sounded far away. Finally my neck regained its strength in time for me to watch George look back at Lockwood.

Lockwood. God he looked so handsome sitting there. For a second I wanted to fix myself up, straighten my back, try just a little to look put together for him. But my arms were tingling, and every bit of strength I had left was focused on George as he crouched in front of me.

"Hi Luce," his voice quivered. His eyebrows scrunched together as he took in my face up close. I watched his big eyes began to water

"Remember...remember that time you and I argued over that game at Christmas?" He started, rolling the pen in his fingers. "You won. I cheated, but you won fair and square, and I wouldn't tell you that if I didn't care about you okay? I'm-"

"Don't make me start counting, Cubbins," Jeremy sang giddily, "I wouldn't mind to stick her again."

"We'll be quick okay? Hold my hand?" George asked frantically, shoving his free hand into mine.

I was crying. Tears rolling freely down my face as I nodded my head to agree with him. I tried to squeeze his hand, but I couldn't tell if he noticed or not by the grip he had on mine.

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