Chapter 2

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(Episode 18, also imagine a male version of this)

The team, Gai and Draven went to the Galleon, which made Gai excited, "S'good! S'good!", Gai shouted in excitement.

"Are you a Sugormin or something?", Luka commented, "But this is the real deal!", Gai exclaimed as he runs around, "We're inside of the actual Gokai Galleon!", Gai shouted.

"Oh, what a cute bird!", Gai complimented, "I like the cut of your gib!", Navi exclaimed, "The name's Ikari Gai and this is my best friend, Draven. We're looking forward to working with you.", Gai greeted.

"Well, my name isn't 'bird', it's Navi.", Navi said as Marvelous pulled him back, "Enough chit-chat.", he said.

"More importantly, where'd you get those Ranger Keys from? And hiw did you get the ultimate power?", Marvelous demanded.

"Three of them, in fact.", Ahim pointed, "Why you two? What month, date, hour, minute and second did you get them, from who, and how?", Luka demanded.

"Okay, okay. Let me explain.", Gai said as be began to explain, "I have to say, I was a totally normal person, who was maybe a little more enthusiastic than most. Until that day..."

He explained how he got his Gokai Cellular and his Ranger Key by a car crash and AbareKiller gave it to him in his dreams.

"That's kind of...", Don trailed, "It certainly seems rather hard to believe...", Ahim finished. Gai turned to them and said, "I had a hard believing it too, but I have these, and I was able to transform."

"Yeah, and? What about the ultimate power? What happened with that?", Luka asked excitedly, "Well...", Gai trailed as they were tense.

"I can't get it to work!", he whined and pouted, "EEEHHH?!", Luka exclaimed, "I've tried a few things, but I think I need more than these to activate it...", he explained.

"I probably need AbareKiller and the others' Ranger Keys.", he said as Marvelous remembered that they used the Sixth Ranger Keys.

Marvelous went to the chest, asked, "Are they in here?", and open the chest. Gai was estatic and went to the chest, "Awesome!"

He began to mutter the previous Super Sentai, "Nevermind that! Look for those killer guys!", Don exclaimed impatiently.

"I will, but seeing all these heroes' powers in one place is amazing! Do you guys even realize how big a deal this is?!", Gai said and continued searching for the three keys.

"Oh, there's TimeFire! DragonRanger! And this is AbareKiller.", Gai found them as Marvelous took them.

"I see. So with these, we'll have three new ultimate powers?", Marvelous asked and Gai nodded, "Well done.", he said and patted his head.

"Then does that mean—?!", Gai was cut off by Marvelous, "Not so fast, man.", he said as he puts away the keys and took his Cellular.

"No way!", Gai exclaimed, "You might have lucked across a Ranger Key, but there's no guarantee you've any good with it.", Marvelous told him.

They nodded and Gai said, "It'll be okay! I'll work hard!", as Marvelous continued, "You said you wanted to be part of this crew, right?"

"I do!", Gai exclaimed, "Then show me what you can do.", Marvelous said, making Gai confused, "They all have something to offer to this group that I don't have. You got anything like that?"

"Something I'd find useful.", he said as Gai looked down and said, "Give me some time. I'll be back with you answer!", and walked away.

Then, Marvelous turned to Draven, who is reading, and demanded, "What about you? How did you get the Ranger Key and Mobilate?"

Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now