Chapter 2: "We're both Nuts"

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Y/n woke up the next like any day: get out of bed and immediately run to the mailbox. She had absolute disregard to the fact she was in her pajamas and the grass blanketing her front yard was wet from yesterday's downpour. She heard an exasperated yell from her dad, but just as she ignored the soles of her sopping wet feet, she ignored him. Today was the 10th day. Which meant Alexis should have sent a letter. And it should have arrived.

She reached into the little box, hoping to find something other than business mail. Her neighbors sprinkler that kept going chcc chcc chcc acted as a steady drumroll giving false anticipation for her. She wasn't even dazed by the fact that the sprinkler was on in the first place because the rain had clearly done its job the night before.

Her breath caught as she saw a bright yellow envelope on top of the many stacked, bland, white ones. Y/n started squealing and jumping up and down in the front yard, not caring about Mr. Spore watching her with great confusion across the street. But who was he to judge when he put his sprinklers on after heavy rain? Impatiently she opened the letter right then and there, but still carefully savoring the feeling as well. Slowly tucking the envelope and stamp into her pocket, she read the letter and was nothing less than thrilled.


Dear Y/n,


It's ok, you don't have to learn Spanish, I know English too! But did you know goodbye in Spanish is adios? I'm 7 like you, my birthday is on December 28 and I am doing really good, gracias! I already have a bike so maybe if we see each other someday we can go biking together? I don't think you are mean, you actually seem really nice. I think I am super funny and I hope you are too. I have never talked to someone in the United States. Also, call me Alex instead of Alexis. I like Alex a lot better, Alexis makes me sound like a girl.


Alex :)


She ran back into the house her face flushed with joy. Without bothering to even brush or change her clothes she got her pencils, (freshly sharpened from 10 days ago when she was patiently waiting for a reply) and got to work on her second letter.


Dear Alex,

I'm so happy you want to talk to me too! I'm also really happy you have a bike. I learned more Spanish words anyway and can now ask how are you and what is your name. I already know though... but... Como Estas?

If you think so funny, then tell me a joke. I'll go first, How do you get a squirrel to like you?

You act like a nut! Which shouldn't be too hard for you :)

Just kidding! My dad said that's called sarcasm and apparently it is also a way of being funny. I think my way of being funny is sarcasm. I'm not being mean though...

Adios amigo! (I learned that too)



Sincerely- A Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now