Chapter 29: "What, aren't you going to answer me?"

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"You want the bad news or the good news?" Y/n whispered loudly, finally bringing herself to talk to Lili.

She didn't even look at her.

Y/n grit her teeth and reached out to slap her on the shoulder causing the bluenette to flinch and also earning her an exasperated sigh from her lab partner. She paid them no mind and instead reached out to hit her friend again in hopes of seizing her attention. Before she could, however, Lili turned around to stop her outstretched hand before it could come in contact and snarled, "Oh my god, what's it about?"

Taken back, she yanked her arm from her iron-hard grip and sneered back, "It's about Alex, so calm your tits." Y/n expected her friend to say something sarcastic back but was shocked to see that her originally angry face had softened. She whispered back, "Give me the good news first. Can't POSSIBLY imagine what the bad news is-"

"The hell is that supposed to mean-?"

"Y/n last time I checked, this class was chemistry, not 'Let's talk with Lilith time'. Mind informing the class what acid-base definition describes a compound that accepts an electron pair?" her science teacher glared at her, lips in a thin line. She could feel every eye on her and even heard a little huff next to her. Her eyes narrowed at her partner before turning back and answering.

"Lewis acid Mrs. Steinfiled," Y/n leaned back in her chair, unfazed. when her teacher went back to teaching her lesson begrudgingly, as she had gotten the question right, the satisfaction that came with it was almost saccharine. Savoring it, she proceeded to trouble Lili once again.

"As I was saying-"

"Y/N JUST BECAUSE YOU GOT THE QUESTION RIGHT, DOES NOT PERMIT YOU TO CONTINUE BLABBERING. Now SIT DOWN and SHUT before I have you removed from this room," her teacher yelped, a matter of time before literal steam would begin to pour out of her ear.

She shut up.

When Lili stared at her in disbelief the girl silently mouthed I'll tell you after class and went back to doodling in her notebook, already knowing that the Lewis base on the other hand donates electron pairs.

The bell rang at its designated time and Y/n made a beeline straight to her locker, thankful for the lunch break right after. Lili managed to weave through the crowd and lean against the wall when she spotted her.

"Good news, shoot." She pointed toward Y/n, indicating her to start talking. Y/n resisted the urge to yell at her friend, scream at her from being so ignorant of her all because she wouldn't tell the stupid thing to Alex. She couldn't possibly figure out why she would need to care so much but took in a deep breath, steadying that uncontrollable rage and loneliness she'd felt over the past weeks. Biting her lip she sighed, "Alex knows about me and Matt alright?"

Lili put a hand up, "I'm gonna guess what happened next, Alex got mad at you when you told him and left the call and hasn't spoken to you since." She stared hard down at her, waiting for an answer on whether or not she was right.

Y/n shook her head miserably and turned away, "I would have preferred that man."

Lili's face fell and she took the smaller girl's hands in her own. Grabbing her chin, she forced Y/n to look at her. "What happened?"

Looking everywhere but her blue eyes, she explained what happened, from how she introduced Alex to Matt then forgot to close the call, then kissed him right in front of the camera when he rejoined.

Her hand went slack and she pulled away to lean against the other lockers, groaning in her hands. "You fucked up. You fucked up bad."

Y/n stood there and looked intently, confused to all eternity why she cared so much. Shaking her head, she personally thought she was being extremely dramatic. Why should she care so much about what Quackity thought? She was at the liberty to make her own decisions and it was her choice if she wanted to date someone and whether she wanted to tell someone. Coming to this conclusion in her head, she spoke out:

"Why though? Give me one reason why I supposedly did," running scenarios through her head, she continued,  "Okay, I understand why he left, that's a messed up way to find out, but why would it be so bad? Alex likes Matt and he wouldn't ever be mad if we dated much less jealous. Now that I think about it, I can't find a valid reason at-fucking-all. So tell me, Lili, how exactly did I fuck up?"

But Y/n clearly shouldn't have said that because the girl in front of her looked just about ready to slap her.

"What, aren't you going to answer me?" She stepped closer, leering, studying her dear friend up close. Freckles that peppered across her nose were finally noticed, resting below large calculating icy blue eyes, complimenting her hair a lot nicer than it should've. Thin but vibrant pink lips were pressed perfectly. Sea green strands of hair that were usually styled up were now sprawled across her face, stained by sweat, giving her a look like the main character had just gotten up from a swim in the lake. She controlled the urge to brush them out of the way, keeping the harsh eye contact. She was painfully aware of how the front of her shoes were touching the others. Her ears were pointed up, almost elf-like, and her equally masculine and feminine hands rested perfectly crossed on her elbows.  

Y/n never realized how beautiful the girl really was, and it was this that made her come to the realization that everything was always about herself. Her glare softened as she took in the horrible fact that she's never stepped foot in the other's house.

But Lili's equally threatening stare didn't dare falter, as if she'd already seen Y/n's face for what it was and now only focused on the matter at hand. The two girls were face to face, only a paperclips length away from their noses from touching. But nothing could prepare her for what was coming. 

"Because he fucking likes you Y/n." She scoffed to herself while saying it and corrected her words, "No. No he doesn't like you, he loves you. Alex loves you, and you broke his goddamn heart."

Y/n felt hands on her chest shoving her into the wall, but she didn't need Lili's push to make her stumble. Groaning as her ass hit the floor, she closed her eyes when she saw her books sprawled across the ground. She tried steadying herself to look for the other girl, pepper her with questions as if bullets, but the words got caught in her throat as if a sob was trying to escape instead.

Nevertheless, Lili was long gone, and Y/n was left alone, digesting the shock that came from the words that had left off her gorgeous lips, still ashamed she hadn't noticed them before. 

Despite being shoved, guilt was the one thing that hit her strongest. And it hit so,



Y'all don't know how much I wanted to make Y/n and Lili kiss right there, sexual tension is so damn fun to write

Sincerely- A Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now