Chapter 34: "I'm so glad you fucking did Alex. I'm so fucking glad."

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The chapter is a little more than 4k words, I expect chocolate at my front door for this-

Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, Y/n thought, glancing at the clock monitor next to the dashboard of the car. She had five minutes to get to the terminal before his flight would land. She took out her phone and flicked around to the contacts slide, desperately searching for one labelled Alex Mf Quackity🐣<3 which proved to be hard with only one hand.

Finally finding the telephone icon she clicked on his contact and waited for him to pick up. He didn't. By the time she finally reached the actual entrance of the airport was when he actually picked up which was a shame since she had passed three exits for different gates.

Not bothering to say hi she immediately asked, 'What gate are you at?"

He was panting, extremely out of breath as if he'd been running. "Sorry I couldn't call, I was in security and one of the people working there recognized me. I took a photo but I thought it would keep you waiting so I ran to the end of the terminal."

"How the hell would I be waiting for you if I don't know your gate number dumbass?" Y/n laughed. Something about him being recognized by airport security made her smile.

"OH SHIT, sorry it's gate 4."

"Ok thank you, BYE. MEET ME AT THAT BAGGAGE CLAIM!" she yelled into the phone before hanging up.

Y/n eyes scoured the signs, finding which exit gate 4 was at and hoping she didn't miss it. Thankfully, she hadn't and swerved right just in time to go up the spiral parking lot. Reaching the top, she paid for a spot and found one near the elevator doors. Debating whether or not to bring the box, she stood there for a couple of moments before deciding against it. No point in lugging around that thing. After all, she fully intended on hugging him and carrying the bigass package would most likely get in the way.

She jogged to the sliding doors and managed to slip inside because of a younger man who spotted her coming that way and proceeded to hold the door open. When she slid inside she noticed the guy was accompanied by a handsome man around his age, hand in hand. Y/n didn't know what their relationship was with each other but after studying the way they looked at each other like no one in the world mattered but the other, she deemed them a couple.

"Thank you so much," She nodded to the man who had kindly let her in the elevator.

"Of course. So what brings you here today?" Y/n was a little taken aback by his English accent but answered nonetheless.

"I'm... picking up a close friend of mine."


Y/n froze, debating whether or not to call Alex that. "Yeah actually, how did you know?"

"Just a hunch," and he remained silent with a knowing smile, his hand still tightly intertwined with his partner. Y/n looked at the two and felt a burning flower bloom inside of her chest. She aspired to have a relationship like that and cause other people to feel that way when she was with her significant other.

"How about you two wonderful people? Are you picking up a loved one as well?"

"Ah no, I'm afraid it's quite the contrary. I'm dropping off Ellis at his terminal, he's got a business meeting in Italy."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." Y/n turned over to the very pretty man beside him, "Don't leave him all alone man, he needs you. He's with you right now and I can already tell he's missing you."

"Well, duty calls I suppose. I've got a work trip but don't worry. I'm sure he'll take good care of himself," the one named Ellis replied, going on the tips of his toes to kiss the top of the taller man's nose. Y/n felt a pang of loneliness when she saw the little display of affection.

Sincerely- A Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now